100 avsnitt • Längd: 15 min • Månadsvis
You don’t have to look far to find hopeless situations. The news, social media, and challenges of everyday life can leave us feeling overwhelmed and in despair. Have you ever stopped to consider how different your life might be if you woke up every day filled with a sense of hope, and not despair?
Do you struggle with addictions and wounds from past experiences? What would your life be like if you were free from those addictions and healed from those wounds?
This podcast is designed to bring biblical truth and help you discover true hope, healing, and freedom in Christ. Welcome to the Hope, Healing & Freedom podcast, presented by Restoring The Foundations, International.
For more, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
The podcast Hope, Healing & Freedom is created by Restoring The Foundations International. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
If you could add more peace and joy to your life by adding one characteristic, would you be interested? What if this one characteristic would open the courtyards of heaven to you? Join us in this weeks Hope, Healing, and Freedom podcast as we look at the power of thankfulness. It will change your life.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Do you ever worry about what others think of your outfit, words, or choices? Do you often second-guess your decisions, leading to a constant state of internal conflict? If these situations sound all too familiar, you're not alone.
Many of us are trapped in the cycle of being people pleasers.
Join us today on our podcast as we delve into this common struggle, a journey that many of us can relate to all too well.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever been at a point in life where you feel like you are hanging by a thread. Your situations or circumstances make it hard to see where God is in those situations and circumstances. In this weeks podcast we are going to talk about how to not only survive hanging by a thread, but how to find a powerful God in the midst of hanging by a thread.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Did you know that trauma can affect you in many ways? It affects our minds, emotions, and even our physical bodies. That is the bad news. The good news is that Jesus can heal even the effects of trauma in our lives. In this week's podcast we are going to talk about trauma and how it can affect your life.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
One of the greatest needs we have is to have a father in our lives. Many people have grown up without a Father in their home and some grew up with not so good fathers. The good news for all of us is that we not only have a Father, we have a Daddy. Come along in this podcast as we show that God invites us to call Him Daddy.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
I don’t do what I know I ought to do, but I do the very things I know I shouldn’t do. Can you relate? Sometimes, we feel like we are almost driven to do things we don’t want to do. Why is that? What is the driving force behind this struggle? That is going to be the topic of this podcast. Come along as we delve into Romans 7 and see how understanding this book of the bible might be a game changer for us.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Did you know that you might believe things you've been told or learned—even in church—that could be inaccurate? I don’t think my sweet Miss Alice, my Sunday School teacher, knew the information was incorrect; she was simply teaching from the manual given her. Today, I encourage you to explore any possible misconceptions you learned and have come to believe.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever said something and then instantly regretted it? Of course most of us have. Did you know that the #1 battleground for the enemy is your mind? Did you know that sometimes even good thoughts need to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ? In today’s podcast we are going to talk about the verse that says to take every thought captive and just how important that is for our spiritual growth and maturity in our lives.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
At the beginning of a New Year, we often evaluate the past year and make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of you may have already decided to start exercising or eating healthier. Maybe you decided to join the “dry January” group. Perhaps you’re going to pray more or read the Bible more. All of these are great, but that’s not what we will discuss today in our podcast. Would you be interested in finding out how you might achieve your newly set goals more successfully? Before you can improve things, you might need to do something to succeed in those goals.
Join us for today’s podcast, It’s Time to Begin Again.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
You have probably heard the theme in church that, "God is good all the time. All the time God is good". What do you do when you can't verify that God is good with your circumstances. In this week's podcast Lee Whitman is going to share a personal journey he and Cindi are on that speaks into that very topic. Come along with us!
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Does the celebration of the coming new year have any significance to you or is it another been there done that event? Is the beginning of a new year just a day to gather with your friends and family and watch football and indulge in your favorite foods? In this week's podcast I would like to challenge us that this new years day could be both a time of great significance for you personally as well as a wonderful chance to get together with friends and family and eat some great BBQ.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever thought about what it would be like for an angel to show up with a message for you? Join Cindi Whitman today as she talks about what it might have been like for Mary.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
As we approach this time of year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we wanted to reintroduce Jesus to you. I know, you already know Jesus. In today's podcast we are going to play a message by Michael Stephens that will reintroduce you to the person of Jesus.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Note: This podcast is being replayed from its original release from Episode 24 on November 8th, 2022
Do you find that getting together with your family or friends for the holidays can be a little stressful? Have you ever noticed that the things you thought you have dealt with from your past seem to not be totally dealt with when you are around family? Not to fear. RTF can help you enjoy your holidays even with all of the family confined to one house for the day.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What is something you have to have in order to live the Christian Life, yet it is hard to measure? The answer is Faith. And faith by itself is not enough. Faith must be combined with Belief and Trust in order to give you what you need in your walk with God. In today's podcast we are going to look at how Faith, Belief, and Trust work together, and how we can help our faith to grow.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
You know the commercial that says "Don't leave home without it." Don't try to live your Christian life without the grace of God. Understanding and experiencing the Grace of God is one of the most important things in our relationship with God, and in fact it might be the most important. In todays podcast we are going to take a very practical look at The Grace of God.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Here are four powerful prayers that will bless your life as you walk in more of the freedom and healing that God has for you.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
The Kingdom of God is much different than the kingdoms of this world. In fact you might call it an upside-down kingdom. In this podcast we are going to look at a few of the ways God's Kingdom is an Upside-Down Kingdom.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
On October 12, 2024 a prayer and worship gathering happened in Washington, DC on the Mall in front of the US capital building. It was called The Million Women march. 250,000 gathered in person on the mall in D.C., and an unknown number of others like Cindi and I watched online. Why am I telling you this? In today’s podcast I want to talk about prayer and my purpose is to inspire you and me to “make your life a prayer.”
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Relationships can be difficult. In this podcast we are going to look at something that is the enemy of good relationships - selfishness.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever wondered why some relationships last longer than others? How do you know if you are experiencing a contract relationship or a covenant relationship? That is the topic of today’s podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus right now. Why is our being righteous so hard for many of us to understand? Come along as we look at our righteousness in this weeks podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
When you think about who you are, on what basis do you make that decision? Do you think about what you do, like I am a mother or a father, or I work at this business. Or do you see yourself according to what God says about you. In the next two podcasts we are going to look at what God says about who you are.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Perseverance. Perseverance means a steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. The Bible talks a lot about the need for perseverance in the Christian Life. In this podcast I am going to talk about what perseverance might look like in our lives.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Are you experiencing intimacy with God? Or do you only have an intellectual or theological relationship with Him. In this podcast we are going to look at how intimacy with God is yours right now.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What you sow into relationships you will reap from relationships. What you give to others will be given back to you. In this podcast we are going to talk about choosing the kind of relationships you really want.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Anxiety, stress and worry can take a toll on us physically, emotionally and spiritually. The rate of people experiencing anxiety and related issues has skyrocketed since the pandemic. Anxiety, stress and worry are peace robbers. If not dealt with they can completely shut a person down and they can certainly keep us from walking in our destiny! Find out in today’s podcast how you can release your concerns and anxieties and be restored, set firmly in place, made stronger and be built up!
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes. Does this really mean that everything works for our good? What about when bad things happen? Even bad things work for good? The answer is yes! In this podcast we will look at how God is able to take everything that happens in our life, even those really difficult things and cause them to work for our good. Come along, I think you will be encouraged.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Pastors have the toughest job I know of. Many of them succumb to burnout as a result. In this podcast we want to bring hope and encouragement to the men and women who serve the body of Christ.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
You know the old saying, when you fall off the horse, get back up on the horse. In this podcast Cindi is going to look at getting back up when you get knocked down in life.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Why is it important for us to spend time reading the Bible? In other words, what are the benefits of reading the Bible. In this podcast we will look at just a few of the benefits to you as a believer of spending time reading God’s Word.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What if something had happened in your family line or was currently happening that gave the enemy entrance to continue hounding you? You would want to do something about that wouldn’t you? Generational curses are affecting you whether you like it or not. But because of the blood of Jesus, there is something you can do about it.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
A Soul Tie is a covenant between two people. God honors all covenants so we want to make sure that we are not being hindered in our lives by any ungodly soul ties. Discovering what is a Godly and Ungodly soul tie is the topic of this podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
God loves to take ordinary people, people like you and me and put His extra on them so they become extraordinary. In this podcast we are going to look at some ordinary people who God used in extraordinary ways. Come along, I believe it will be encouraging to you.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever had something happen that was so horrible that in your mind there was no way God could make good come out of it? Has anyone ever given you the idea that when you accepted Jesus into your life that all of your troubles will go away? In today’s podcast I am going to talk about the truth that in this life there will be trials, but that the trials we go through are valuable on many levels.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Desperation is a great motivator. And desperation is something that moves the heart of God. In today’s podcast we are going to look at a story of desperation and see what we can learn from this story.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
I am double blessed. Curious? Listen and find out in this weeks podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What if we have taken things that God intended to be part of our normal lives and made them into religious events? In this podcast I was to look at three normal things we do on a regular basis and look at the possibility that we have turned them into religious events.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Did you know that there is a stronghold whose sole focus is to divide people from each other and destroy relationships? Do you have reoccurring conflicts in some of your relationships and can’t figure out why? I have good news for you. In today’s podcast we are going to talk about a stronghold that might be causing these struggles.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
There are two very common strongholds that may be affecting your life and you might not even be away of them. In this weeks podcast we are going to talk about the Shame Fear Control Stronghold. Next week we will look at the Control Rejection Rebellion Stronghold. You don’t want to miss either of these podcasts.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What is keeping you from receiving RTF ministry. Today we are going to talk about some of the more common reasons people give for not receiving RTF ministry. Remember: Freedom is available so don’t let anything get in the way.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
On this Mother’s Day week we are going to talk in this weeks podcast about The Mother Heart of God. Before you turn this off as heresy, give it a listen and see what you think. I think you will agree that God has both masculine characteristics and feminine characteristics and is still very much Father God.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What will it be like when we stand before the Throne of God in heaven. What is it going to look like or sound like? In today’s podcast we are going to try to view that scene for ourselves.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Did you know that we get to team with God to see His Kingdom come to earth? Yes! For His own reasons God has chosen to work through you and me to bring healing and restoration to His Children. And the result of that restoration is the subject of this podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
We are in a battle! The battle is between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. Spiritual warfare is a normal part of the Christian Life. In this podcast we are going to look at a story found in Nehemiah and the lessons we can learn from this story to apply to our lives today.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Did you know that David was set up by his ancestors to fall into sin with Bathsheba? Did you know that you are also set up to enter into the sins of your ancestors and you might not even be aware of it?
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Guilt is a powerful motivator. It can cause you to do things you would normally never do. In this podcast we outline how guilt took King David places he did not want to go.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you noticed how often the bible talks about deception? The world we live in is being infected by the lies from the father of lies. You can easily see deception today in our schools especially many of our colleges and universities. You see deception displayed across the TV screen every night. You even see deception infecting the church of Jesus Christ. In today’s podcast we are going to talk about what it takes to fight deception in your life.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Grief is a part of life. It is a process that we have to go through when we experience a loss in life. But did you know that grief can lie to you and cause your grief to become destructive? In today’s podcast we are going to talk about some of the lies that grief wants to tell you.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
In today's episode, Lee interviews very special guests, Dennis and Debbie Jordan. They share a painful journey that they have been through to give you hope and to give you encouragement. The Jordans lost their son to leukemia at the early age of six. They speak about that journey of grief and depression and how the Holy Spirit guided them through that dark time in their lives.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What does it mean to be filled to all the fullness of God? Sometimes words like that just bounce off of us because they sound like only spiritual talk. But in todays podcast we are going to look at more than just nice spiritual language, we are going to talk about something that is available to you today! To be filled up to all the fullness of God.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What is the glory of God? Ephesians 3:14-15 says “For this reason I bend my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant to you according to the riches of His glory.” Today I want to talk about the Glory of God.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Lazarus is dead. I mean Lazarus is four days dead! That's really dead and yet Jesus comes to them and says roll that stone away and open that tomb. but if you were there if he was saying that to you what would you have done knowing that Lazarus probably stunk pretty bad by now. That's the point of this podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Ephesians 4:27 says “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity for the devil.” Have you thought about the meaning of this scripture? I’ve heard sermons about “be angry and sin not” but the speaker never said what to do with my anger. The implication is “just bury it” “pretend it doesn’t matter” or “sweep it under the rug” . The lack of instruction of what to do with your anger can be really destructive to ourselves and to those around us.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What is the difference between getting and receiving? And what do we have to do in order to receive what is ours?
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever been deceived? I think most of us have at one time or another. In today’s podcast I want to talk about The Power of Deception and the need for us to know how to keep ourselves from being deceived.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Are there situations in your life where you have lost hope? Maybe it is a situation with a loved one, or a health issue, or even the condition of the world right now. My goal in this podcast is to begin to restore your hope.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
The King said, “Wait a minute, there are four men in that fire and the one looks like the Son of God.” We may never have to face a literal fiery furnace, but many of us are facing fiery trials almost every day. In this podcast we are going to look at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego facing their fiery furnace to discover God’s truth that can help us face our own trials.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Are there situations in your life that are overwhelming? When you look at them do you see giants that need to be overcome and you feel like a grasshopper in their sight? You are in good company. Joshua and Caleb faced the same situation. In this podcast we are going to look at how to overcome the giants in your life.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have your dreams died or if they are still alive have they shrunk to a more manageable size? Are you living your life as if every word in the Bible is 100% true or have you adjusted the Word of God to fit your lifestyle?
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
We wanted to do something a little different for our podcast during the holidays. We want to read these promises from God’s Word over you as a blessing. Notice the great love and care Father God has for each one of you from the very beginning of God’s Word all the way to the end. It is truly a love story and you are the focus of God’s love.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Have you ever wondered to yourself if you'd ever be able to get your head above the financial deep waters you experience? Seems you can never get ahead?
Do you believe living in poverty somehow makes you a stronger or better believer than living in abundance?
You may be experiencing a generational curse and you can find freedom from it through Christ breaking that curse and breaking down that stronghold in your life.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Do you feel like there is always more you need to be doing at church or in ministry, that you feel like you never quite do enough? Do you feel like your relationship with God is based on a list of dos and don’ts.” Does it feel like you are living under a constant threat of judgement for what you do or don’t do, or even for things like raising your hands in worship? In today’s podcast we are going to talk about the stronghold of religious bondage and how it might be affecting you and your relationship with God.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Do you ever find yourself walking into a room and wondering what the people in the room are thinking about you? Or do you find yourself staying toward the outside of a group of people, even people you might be friends with? When you compare yourself with those around you do you consistently find yourself feeling like you don’t fit in with the crowd? In today’s podcast we are going to look at how the stronghold of rejection can taint the way we look at ourselves and others.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Is it hard for you to allow others to help you or are you more comfortable doing things yourself? Do you feel like you always need to be strong in order to protect and defend yourself? If you said yes to these situations you might be living under the influence of the stronghold of the Orphan Lifestyle. In today’s podcast I am going to talk about the characteristics of the Orphan Lifestyle.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Do you ever catch yourself saying, “Oh that’s good enough?” I think we are being conditioned to accept good enough or second best. In this podcast I am going to talk about some of the reasons why we settle for second best and how that might be affecting our relationship with Jesus.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Do you remember when you received information from only one or two sources? Today information comes at you from almost a limitless number of places. And not all of the information is going to lead you closer to God. That is why having your mind renewed to the truth is so important, especially today. In this podcast we will look at the why’s and how of renewing your mind.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
What does an Encounter with Jesus look like? What did it look like in the bible when Jesus touched the lives of people? In this podcast I am going to look at a few of the characteristics found when people had a face to face encounter with Jesus.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
In today's podcast Cindi addresses the question of Halloween. She asked the question of if Halloween is good or evil. Is it a benign holiday that's just fun to dress up and get some candy? Or, is it an open door to evil and the occult that we may be taking for granted?
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
There is no question that our world is in a state of turmoil. The world events of the past days have gripped all of us. The senseless killing of innocent babies, children, families, and the elderly are horrific events. In times of war there is “collateral damage” of innocent civilians, but what we have witnessed is intentional, targeted attacks on the innocent. So, how do we navigate our own emotions, thoughts, and feelings? As believers how do we hold on to hope and live in peace?
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Today we are going to finish talking about the topic of Boundaries. This one will be a bit shorter but very important. If you have been a person without healthy boundaries and you have determined that you need healthy boundaries then you are going to want to listen today.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
We are continuing our series on boundaries today. A boundary is knowing where you and your responsibility ends and another person's begin. Boundaries are those invisible property lines of your life defining where you stop and other's start.
In today's podcast we're going to talk once about boundaries, because having healthy boundaries is vital for living in the peace, the joy, and the rest that Jesus came to give you.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringtheoundations.org.
I don’t know about you but I don’t like to be around people who have no control over their spirit. They often are unpredictable. They make me feel unsafe.
Cindi shares with us additional details this week on Boundaries in our 2nd session on the topic.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Do you know someone that can’t say no? Is that someone you? Do you find yourself in turmoil because you know you’re already too busy but you just don’t want to disappoint your friend, your family or your Pastor?
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
In honor of Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish New Year, we invited our resident RTF Healing House Messianic Rabbi, Ira Brawer to help us understand the significance of this Jewish Holiday. Come join the conversation we had with a Rabbi.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
Can a Christian be demon possessed? Can they be demon oppressed? What's the difference? Did you know as a Believer you have the power and authority to cast out demons? Did you know casting out demons should be a more common activity in our lives than what you may believe?
Stay tuned as Lee shares with us this week about Demonic Oppression and how as believers we can and should handle this reality in our own lives on a regular basis.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
In this week's episode Lee shares with us how Soul Spirit Hurts can be the reasons under the surface of our lives that cause us to react in ways we don't understand or that seem out-of-balance with how we even expect our own reactions to be.
Learn more about how to receive Soul Spirit Healing on today's podcast episode.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Would you ever be in agreement with Satan? If you're believing an ungodly belief about yourself, then you are indeed ignoring what Jesus says about you and agreeing with the father of lies himself and living out your life in the boundaries of that lie. Hard to believe right?
In today's episode, Lee shares with us exactly what an Ungodly Belief is. Some examples of UGB's in our life and how we can break our agreement with Satan over these lives and live in freedom instead through the ministry and work down by Restoring the Foundations.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Sins of the Fathers are generational curses carried over from our ancestors for unrepentant sin that carries on the pressure for us to sin in certain areas of our lives through successive generations.
Until we confess and break the power of those sins in our lives we will continue to struggle and experience the pressures to act upon those same sins in our own lives.
Today on the podcast, Lee shares how these sins work and how we can obtain freedom from them in our lives and the lives our children and our children's children.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Have you ever wondered why Restoring the Foundations International uses an integrated approach to ministry? Why is the ministry so effective? What are the four problem areas that are addressed in a person's life for this integrated approach?
The seeds of the ministry were brought to life through revelation of this systemic process given to Chester and Betsy Kylstra in the late 80's and has grown and continued to impact so many people's life giving them freedom in areas they were previously struggling with for years, or their entire life.
Stay tuned as Lee Whitman, shares more of the how and why the integrated approach works so well in the ministry of Restoring the Foundations in people's lives.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
There is a battle going on in each of us. And the more we understand this battle and more specifically how to defeat it, the more you will experience the abundant life that Jesus came to give you.
In today’s podcast we are going to continue looking at the battle between the flesh and the spirit described in Galatians 5. Lee shares with us how we battle with what our flesh wants, and has been trained to do by our experiences, and what Holy Spirit living in us would have us do instead.
You'll learn about how our experiences in life teach us and shape our beliefs and behaviors to do certain things. How statements we've heard about ourselves and said to ourselves influence our actions towards others.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
In today's podcast, Lee shares with us what is perhaps a new point of view for many on the old popular marketing phrase, "What Would Jesus Do?". It goes much further than the simple bracelet many people wore with the "WWJD" letters clearly visible as a reminder in making decisions as we live our lives.
But what would Jesus do? As we review that question, we find scriptures that clearly define exactly what Jesus would both DO and SAY as he performed his ministry during his time here on earth.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Have you ever been presented with choices in your life and wondered which one you should choose? Which option was God's will for your life? Is there only one way that's the "right" way? Are there more than one possible options for you to choose either way and still be pleasing to God?
In today's podcast Cindi shares with us how God balances giving us the desires of our heart while also remaining in his will. How we can exercise our own free will while remaining in obedient and in submission to His guidance in our lives.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
In this episode of the podcast Lee shares with us a few lessons he learned from their family's dog. "Man's best friend" has some characteristics we may find very helpful in strengthening and building up a variety of relationships in our own lives.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org
Someone said recently that the Restoring the Foundations Ministry is very thorough and structured but it is not Holy Spirit led.
Oh really?
In this podcast, Lee Whitman takes a look and shares all of the ways that the Holy Spirit IS VERY MUCH involved in ministry provided by Restoring the Foundations ministers and staff.
Then you can decide if it is Holy Spirit led or not.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit the newly redesigned website available at www.restoringthefoundations.org
Have you ever been challenged by others or your own thoughts of whether you were in God's will or not? Are you in the "perfect", "Decretive", "Preceptive", or the "Permissive" will of God? It can be so confusing.
In today's podcast, Lee shares "The God of the Guardrail", and how we can absolutely know we're in God's will and how it may be easier than we think to remain in God's will instead of always feeling like we've thrown ourselves off-course!
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring the Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
In today's podcast we talk about the significance that the Cross of Jesus Christ and the empty gravel has for each of us. This is not meant to be a theological dissertation, but just some thoughts from the heart of a grateful son.
At some point in your life you've probably been in a situation, or maybe even a season of life, where your main desire is just to get out of that place! You simply wanted this period of time to be over. We've all been there at some time.
In today's podcast, Lee talks about how you can use those situations to your own growth and benefit.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International, please visit www.restoringthefoundations.org.
“I am a victim of my circumstances and there is no hope for change.” - “It doesn’t matter what I do, I will never get ahead.” - “Other people will always take advantage of me.” - “If I am waiting in line, my line will always be the slowest.”
Do you ever hear thoughts like these go through your mind?
Today on the podcast, we are going to help you identify some things that may be holding you back.
Many times, past trauma in our life is a key contributor to the issues that hold us back. If you'd like to take a deeper dive into identifying key areas that need breakthrough, Dr. Kathy Tolleson shared a fantastic series on overcoming trauma. We encourage you to check it out!
Do you ever feel like you struggle to hear God? John 10:27 says: “My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.” Today on the podcast, we will be discussing Hearing God.
Many times, past trauma can make it difficult to hear God clearly. Jim and Pat Banks put together a course on "Spiritual Tools For Dealing With Trauma. Our prayer is that this course will help you to receive healing and freedom.
Here's the link: https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/product/spiritual-tools-for-dealing-with-trauma-course-with-jim-pat-banks
Do you ever feel like you struggle to hear God? John 10:27 says: “My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.” Today on the podcast, we will be discussing Hearing God.
Many times, past trauma can make it difficult to hear God clearly. Jim and Pat Banks put together a course on "Spiritual Tools For Dealing With Trauma. Our prayer is that this course will help you to receive healing and freedom.
Here's the link: https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/product/spiritual-tools-for-dealing-with-trauma-course-with-jim-pat-banks
Rick and Michelle Hensley have been part of the core leadership team with Restoring The Foundations, but there was a time when becoming an RTF minister was the furthest thing from Rick's mind.
Today, join Rick Hensley (personal assistant to the Directors) as he shares his personal journey of learning to answer the call by obeying in faith.
Jesus prayed in John 17: 23 that believers in Jesus would be “perfected in unity, so that the world may know that you sent Me.” My question for this podcast is "How are we doing at living in unity with fellow believers, and what can we do about it?"
One more thing. Please check out our course library for more resources. There's something for you right here: https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/courses
Jesus’ favorite subject was teaching about the Kingdom of God. Everywhere He went he did miracles and He taught about the Kingdom of God. In fact He said that when you see these miracles happening the Kingdom of God has come to earth.
In today's Podcast, we want to highlight what it looks like when the Kingdom of God comes to earth.
The next time you 2 minutes to spare, check out our course library. There's something for you right here: https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/courses
Recently on our podcast, we have been covering the topic of the orphan heart. Today, we wanted to share a special message on the Orphan Spirit & Mindset from our friend Dr. Rickardo Bodden out of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, USA.
Dr. Rickardo Bodden serves as the Chief Operating Officer and an associate pastor of a leading ministry in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area. He has an earned doctorate from Regent University in Strategic Leadership Studies, a Master of Arts from Bellevue University in the Psychology of Leadership, and a Bachelor of Science from Florida International University in Mass Communication. Prior to his current positions, Dr. Bodden served in the U.S. Air Force in several Public Relations and Communication leadership roles.
As a corporate communication professional, he led teams in accomplishing organizational goals through employee communication, reputation management, crisis response communication, media and community engagement. All of his experiences have helped create his personal philosophy; self-leadership is the basis for all leadership. Dr. Bodden continues to mentor, coach, and develop the people around him. His passion is to see people grow beyond personal limitations to be the leader God has ordained.
You can learn more about Dr. Rickardo Bodden at www.boddenleads.com
When you think of the word “father”, what is the first impression that comes to mind? Do you have thoughts of love and compassion, protection, warmth and tenderness? Or does the word “father” paint a much different picture for you. In today’s podcast, we're going to talk about the Father Heart of God.
Many times, past trauma can make it difficult to to understand the Father's heart. Jim and Pat Banks put together a course on "Spiritual Tools For Dealing With Trauma. Our prayer is that this course will help you to receive healing and freedom.
Here's the link: https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/product/spiritual-tools-for-dealing-with-trauma-course-with-jim-pat-banks
Do you find you are constantly comparing yourself to others? Or do you get jealous when others get praise and recognition and you don’t? Do you find yourself feeling like you have to fight for everything you can get? These behaviors and many others come from living life from an orphan heart. That is the focus of today’s podcast.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International and check out our course library, please visit https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/courses
What would your life be like if you had no fear? Do you wake up every morning feeling like a son who is secure and confident of your Heavenly Fathers love, and live your life for the joy of giving that love away to others? Or, do you get up every day and feel like a slave, struggling constantly with fears of failure or rejection, unable to trust, wondering what you have to do to appease the master today? That's what we are going to talk through in our podcast today.
To learn more about the ministry of Restoring The Foundations International and check out our course library, please visit https://my.restoringthefoundations.org/courses
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