House Podcastica: Cobra Kai, House of the Dragon, Rings of Power, and More!
This week, we introduce our new two episodes a week speed, and kick it off with First of His Name! Rima Jo joins Kristin twice this week to discuss Secrets, Betrayal, Manipulation, and a new king is added to the mix. Enjoy the extra episodes from here until January, and get excited for April 2019!
Plus, Jason and Mr. Blahg have been delving into tomes at the Citadel, and they'll have a report on their research for you this week.
Much thanks to cello rock band Break of Reality for lending us their cover of the Game of Thrones theme for our intro music! They're fantastic and you can find more from them at
Can we get 5 more reviews before next week? Thanks for the 6 reviews this past week! You’re all awesome! Remember you can send us feedback too in a few different ways!
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