Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec
The extremist liberal who murdered teenager Cayler Ellingson over a political dispute was released from jail in North Dakota on $50k bail; Poso drops the phone numbers of those not doing their jobs to protect their communities. The people have taken the law into their own hands, as Brooklyn liberals formed the ‘Park Slope Panthers’ vigilante group after a homeless man killed a golden retriever with a large stick. Jack Posobiec recounts the truthful history of the Dahomey after the anti-historical movie ‘The Woman King’ lied about Africa’s slave trade in order to fit the left’s current narrative. President Joe Biden called for the ‘need to program biology’ like we ‘program computers’ in a ‘transhumanist’ executive order; Poso breaks down designer babies vs. faith babies.
Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec
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