Fixi is a new hyper-minimalist javascript library. At less than 4kb, it gives much of the power of similar hypermedia libraries like htmx, with a new stream-lined approach.
Use attributes like fx-action, fx-method, fx-trigger, and fx-swap to perform ajax requests to work with html from your server.
In this episode Lazarus talks to its creator, Jason Cross.
Chapters (from AI)
00:00 Introduction to Hypermedia Frameworks
02:49 Exploring HTMX and HTMZ
05:58 The Philosophy Behind Fixi
09:03 The Lean Software Approach
11:59 Minimalism in Fixi
15:06 Attributes and Functionality of Fixi
17:55 Comparing Fixi and HTMX
21:03 Copy and Paste Philosophy in Development
23:51 Debugging and Size Considerations
26:57 Future of Fixi
29:45 The Philosophy of Open Source and Simplicity
31:33 View Transitions and User Experience
36:32 Design Decisions in Fixi vs HTMX
38:27 Collaboration and Maintenance of Open Source Projects
41:11 Attribute Inheritance and Locality of Behavior
42:07 Event Handling and Extensions in Fixi
46:32 JavaScript and the Future of Web Development