I am an Equestrian – Le Podcast
💭 « My success would be impossible without him". Here is what Daniel Deusser said about our new guest, in an interview given a couple of months ago.
🏆 Him, Sean Lynch. Sean has been Daniel's groom for the last 7 and a half years, I assume. He is the one in charge of the horses' health, well-being, safety and so much more. About Killer Queen, Tobago and all of the horses he takes care of, Sean says "I'm their man". Being their man means being on the front line, day after day. Being the one who observes, who cares, who does all the morning and night checks, who decides, who drives, who rides... To our question "are grooms rewarded enough for their job?", we would all reply : definitely not. But do we really get what is at stake in this job ?
🔉 In this episode and all along our conversation with Sean, we sure tried to get a better picture of his role in Daniel Deusser's performances but most of all, we wanted to draw a comprehensive portrait of such a unique, tough and yet tremendous life.
📅 The whole episode will be released this Friday 8th of April, but here is a short extract of our conversation with Sean Lynch
We hope to see you again next Friday 🥰
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