I am an Equestrian – Le Podcast
💭 « My success would be impossible without him". Here is what Daniel Deusser said about our new guest, in an interview given a couple of months ago.
🏆 Him, Sean Lynch. Sean has been Daniel's groom for the last 7 and a half years, I assume. He is the one in charge of the horses' health, well-being, safety and so much more. About Killer Queen, Tobago and all of the horses he takes care of, Sean says "I'm their man". Being their man means being on the front line, day after day. Being the one who observes, who cares, who does all the morning and night checks, who decides, who drives, who rides... To our question "are grooms rewarded enough for their job?", we would all reply : definitely not. But do we really get what is at stake in this job ?
🔉 In this episode and all along our conversation with Sean, we sure tried to get a better picture of his role in Daniel Deusser's performances but most of all, we wanted to draw a comprehensive portrait of such a unique, tough and yet tremendous life.
🤝 This episode is sponsored by Equi-ressources.
🤓 Equi-ressources is a French organization specialized in providing information on recruitment and orientation in the horse sector. It was created in 2007 as the result of a partnership between the Equine Cluster (Pôle de compétitivité filière équine), the French Employment Agency (Pôle emploi), the Regional Council of Normandy (conseil regional de Basse Normandie) and the IFCE (Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation) 🙌🏻.
🖊 Equi-ressources provides a free, personalized and committed service to all professionals and future professionals of the sector. Its team offers support to job seekers in finding a training program, a job or an internship in one of the many subsectors of the equine sector, for instance: show jumping, breeding, racing, events, horse trading, health.
🔝 Equi-ressources is a team of 8 advisors specialist of the equine sector devoted to provide tailor-made support and help matching employers and candidates.
🔥 Equi-ressources in key figures : last year, it released over 3700 job offers and has constantly up to 1 200 open job offers accessible on its website.
✨ To achieve its purpose, Equi-ressources offers a wide range of tools : podcasts, interviews, videos, a career guide and a list of more than 300 organizations that provides training programs for horse-related jobs. Equi-ressource also provides detailed information sheets on specific jobs, diplomas, and even games or quizzes.
🙌🏻 Equi-ressources is also a Study Centre analysing employment trends and the balance between vocational training and employment in the sector since 2010. It releases, in close collaboration with the actors of the sector including public and private partners, reports focusing on a wide range of topics. The last report released focuses on the attractivity of jobs in racing stables.
Today, our episode features Sean Lynch, showgroom for German top-level rider Daniel Deusser. Groom, yet another career that Equi-ressources knows very well and promotes through its platform. Last year, more than 100 job offers for grooms, based in France or abroad, were published on Equiressources.fr.
If you want to pursue a career in the sector, we warmly recommend you to visit Equi-ressources website, talk with one of its advisors and start applying for one of the many open positions available on the platform 🚀
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