Valerie Berry, a long-time active member of Corpus Christi parish in Detroit wasn’t planning to become Catholic until her second-grade son started telling her about his times at church he experienced in Catholic school. Inspired by his love for church, Valerie eventually entered the Church and was encouraged by a friend to take her challenges to the Blessed Sacrament. Although Jesus’ presence didn’t spontaneously solve all of the problems she faced, it did become the source of her strength, what she continues to rely on, and has guided her to serve in the Church in new ways.
Show notes:
00:20 We welcome Valerie Berry to the studio, a long-time parishioner at Corpus Christi parish in Detroit. Valerie shares how her son, as a second grader, led her to consider the Catholic faith and eventually begin RCIA and entered the Church.
04:51 Valerie shares why she enrolled her son in Catholic school in the first place and about her journey through RCIA. She then shares what her experience was like receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil, particularly her experience of receiving the Eucharist for the first time.
10:05 Valerie shares that, while she’d heard about adoration in RCIA, she hadn’t gone until a friend encouraged her to spend time with the Blessed Sacrament when she was going through a difficult time. Fr. Mario comments on the power of one disciple’s witness to another.
11:46 Valerie describes going to adoration for the first time, unsure of what to do, but experiencing peace by simply spending time before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. She explains how she’s learned to go to Jesus, not just in times of trouble, but also in times of joy — a choice she has been making lately.
14:24 Valerie shares how spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, along with a spiritual director, have helped her discern to lend her gifts to RCIA, by helping to lead it at Corpus Christi, which she is doing this year. She and Fr. Mario discuss what a spiritual director is and the value of having one.
19:03 Leah asks Valerie to share what she would share with those who are considering Catholicism and Valerie describes how she has grown to rely on the Eucharist, more so than even shelter and food. She has grown to rely on the Eucharist — the source of her strength — and to see how Jesus works in her life every single day.
22:08 Valerie shares how she spends time in adoration, by mostly conversing with Jesus. Fr. Mario comments on the reality that we leave adoration differently, even when going doesn’t solve all of our problems.
25:52 Valerie responds to a question from Fr. Mario about how she would speak to someone who may struggle to believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. She challenges people to pay attention to their surroundings and how God may be working, and emphasizing the beauty of God’s grace given freely to each of us.