With one less gith to worry about, our heroes instead turn their worries to Mal. It seems our heroes are trapped in deeper waters than they'd realized... Maybe some shopping can help cheer them up! Fleeple shares a parable. Lance tries to speed up a very slow barkeep. Mal gets more plastered than a fresco in a church.
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Ukraine Fundraiser Links
Online Auction: http://hope4ukraine.betterworld.org/auctions/auction-ukraine
6pm Improv show: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/giants-of-comedy-improv-show-ukraine-fundraiser-tickets-311235873877
8pm improv show: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-giants-of-comedy-improv-show-ukraine-fundraiser-tickets-311502982807?aff=efbneb
Donatations: https://forpeace.us/
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Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
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Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Duduk, The Pilgrim
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Until you are but Ash
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
Suspense Sound Effect - Scary Rising Horror Music used from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
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“Bedtime Stories” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!