Our heroes face up against the true worst enemy of any adventuring party: a locked door. How to make it through all those traps? Mal encounters some frightening fiends off on her own. Lance does some high-stakes rock climbing. Fleeple spends a weird amount of time singing "I Will Get There" by Boyz II Men.
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Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
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Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
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“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
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Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!