Welcome to I Hate It Bullock I Love It Month, in which we're doing a full month of Sandra Bullock movies. And to kick things off, we're discussing what was intended to be Sandra Bullock's rom-com swan song,
Two Weeks Notice! We talk about piecemeal plotting, weirdly misogynistic subplots, and how no good romance can ever involve shitting on someone's shoulder. Special thanks to this week's sponsor Songfinch. With Songfinch, you can create a custom song all about anyone special in your life. Songfinch works with over 500 professional musicians who range in genre from Acoustic Pop and Country to R&B and Folk so you are sure to get an amazing, radio-quality song. Visit
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Edited by Andrew Ivimey and produced for the From Superheroes network. Visit www.FromSuperheroes.com for more podcasts, YouTube series, web comics, and more.
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