I just want to talk about the Bible
In this brief episode, we discuss some ways that we can practically meditate on the Word of God consistently throughout the day.
Some of the Scriptures I referenced:
Joshua 1:8.
Psalm 1:1-3.
Psalm 16:7.
Psalm 34:8.
Psalm 119:18.
Psalm 119:130.
1 Corinthians 2:11-12.
1 Thessalonians 5:17.
At 10:32 I called the app and website "Scripture Typer." I think that may have been a previous name. The current name of the app and website are "Bible Memory." Here is the link to the website: https://biblememory.com.
Around 12:15 I reference "John 16:3." I meant to say "John 16:13."
Around 12:30 I mention the idea of falling asleep while meditating upon the Scriptures. That idea came from a guy who is discipling me. It was not original to me. I wanted to give credit where credit is due.
Around 15:00 I said that when Peter saw the wind and the waves that he began to sink. The issue was not that he saw the intense weather. The issue was that he gave in to fear. He stopped trusting the Lord in that moment. The passage says, "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, 'Lord, save me.' Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'" (Matthew 14:30-31). Likewise, in our lives, "seeing the wind" is not the problem. The problem is when we take our trust off of the Lord and give in to fear. When we do this we quickly begin to sink.
Around 16:15 I said the Holy Spirit makes the Scriptures real to us. Of course the Scriptures are 100% objectively true, period. In saying that He makes them real to us I am not advocating some sort of relativistic truth. What I mean is that He brings them to life in our experience. In other words, the Scriptures are objectively true, and the Holy Spirit takes them and makes them also subjectively true to us. Or, put yet another way, he will move the Scriptures from simply being in our heads to being also in our hearts. He empowers us not only to agree with the Scriptures intellectually but to truly believe them in our innermost being.
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