Dinosaur of the day Chingkankousaurus, a possible tyrannosauroid from eastern China known only from a shoulder blade.
Interview with Phoebe Wood, a primary student from Adelaide, South Australia. She won several awards for her Anchiornis huxleyi model. Including Young Scientist of the Year 2019 and the Oliphant Trophy—a first for a primary school student.
Get our new book 50 Dinosaur Tales at: bit.ly/50dinosaurtales
In dinosaur news this week:
- News from the final day of talks and posters at the 2019 meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
- A large varied selection of dinosaur microfossils from the Alaskan Kakanaut Formation show that dinosaurs lived in the arctic year-round
- After more restoration work, an alternative Allosaurus holotype is ready to be named
- Siats and Moros finds show that Allosauroids and Tyrannosauroids coexisted in the cretaceous
- We now have an excellent growth series of over 20 Sinornithomimus individuals from China
- A coprolite “nugget” shows excellent preservation of at least two feather types and likely multiple ticks
- More evidence shows that dinosaur diversity was very high up until the end-cretaceous extinction
- By comparing LAGs in arm and leg bones, another study shows that Maiasaura was quadrupedal its whole life
- A new Jurassic ankylosaur was found in Portugal
- Two new ceratopsians were discovered in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
- A new "Super matrix" of crocodilians places some difficult taxa in a cladogram
- An analysis of Dimetrodon (not a dinosaur) and its relatives shows the wide range of sizes that they came in
- The Tate Geological Museum have found a couple of sauropod feet and a diplodocid skull
- The Burke Museum in Washington has a new exhibit called Fossils Uncovered
- A new animation shows how long dinosaurs lived, by tracing our solar system’s movement through the Milky Way Galaxy
- Horse Archer Productions has a new web series, A Million Bones of Stone, the first episode is about Laelaps
- Justice Smith and Daniella Pineda, who played Franklin and Zia, in Fallen Kingdom will be back for Jurassic World 3
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For links to every news story, all of the details we shared about Chingkankousaurus, and our fun fact check out https://iknowdino.com/Chingkankousaurus-Episode-259/
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