278 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Veckovis: Söndag
Fritid • Hobbies • TV och film
Welcome to the I Like it Spooky Horror Podcast. The Spooky Boys breath this horror news, reviews, and entertainment show to life every other week with an informative, insightful, and often tongue-in-cheek approach that makes the discussions relatable and engaging, accomplishing what many shows strive for in making their audience feel like they are very much in the room and a part of the discussion while the red record light is on.
The podcast I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast is created by I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Join the podcast crew and Special Guest Joe Chianakas as we enter the annual Castle Rock County Fair Pie Eating Contest and see if anyone can top the reigning champion Lard-Ass Hogan. Then stick around as we light the bonfire and talk Joe’s newest book Darkness Calls.
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Welcome to the March 2025 edition of Appendage's from Pluto TV. Join Brian & Rod as they share the horror movies streaming on the free Pluto TV App. This episode comes to you with a list of horror films coming this month streaming on the Free Pluto TV App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the March 2025 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rod as they share their love of amazing movies streaming on the free Tubi App. This episode comes to you with 4 pop culture films and 4 horror related films streaming on the Free Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join the podcast crew as we enjoy a nice Valentine’s Day full of flowers, candy, kisses and kills!! We catch a movie at the Drive-In and might even catch The Heart Eyes Killer as we cover the 2025 comedy, horror, slasher, love story “Heart Eyes”
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It’s May 16, 1966 and the podcast crew is throwing on “Pet Sounds” the latest release from “The Beach Boys” and hanging with Special Guest Tadd Good. Little do they know it will be a wild Emo ride like one music has never heard before and will be a staple of music history for years to come.
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What do you get when you mix killer tracks, mystery and that classic synth sound? A sound so great you can see it and an episode that has everyone begging for a follow-up. So crank up the volume as we cover the band “The Savini Effect”
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Join the podcast crew for an amazing trip to the “land of beauty” Italy. It’s home to stunning architecture, culture, art, and opera. So watch out for the blood sucking zombies ready to chop you up and join us as we cover “Nightmare City”
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Welcome to the Appendages WATCHFREE+ From Vizio Edition for February 2025. This month we discuss 4 horror films you should check out on the free WATCHFREE+ APP From Vizio.
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Join the podcast crew as we welcome the Love Gypsy Autumn in for this very special Valentines Day Edition of the show. Its December of 1998 and it may be cold outside but its warm on Manhattans Upper East Side as a internet romance among two bitter rivals is the talk of the Book Store world. Thanks to AOL only Shopgirl and NY152 know just how deep this connection runs.
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Welcome to the February 2025 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rod as they share their love of amazing movies streaming on the free Tubi App. This episode comes to you with 4 pop culture films and 4 horror related films streaming on the Free Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Long before "Night of the Living Dead" and John Cena there was a slow moving threat to humanity that You Cant See. Join the podcast crew for the 1959 horror film that opened the door for generations of Zombies as we check out "Invisible Invaders"
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The Groundhog Day celebration will begin at 3:30 a.m. at the Gobbler's Knob grounds, opening to the public at 3 a.m. on February 2nd 1993. So come on down and join special guest Weatherman Phil Connors with the crew of The Wrong Podcast Died for this special day. You wont want to miss this one because it wont be repeated until tomorrow.
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Join the podcast crew for the film that has it all juiced kittens, swamp monsters, porn award shelves, fuzzy mugworts, death and is A Love Story Guaranteed Not to Suck. Strap on tight as we discuss the Tromaesq film “Till Death Do Us Part”
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Grab a seat for the film that’s a perfect mixture of horror, humor, punk rock music, and Linnea Quigley!! It’s the namesake that planted the seed for not only this podcast but provided BRAINS for a generation of Zombie Fans.
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Its July 1960 and the podcast crew is heading to the Sunny Shores of the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida. Where they have spacious rooms, great service and some of the best Bellboy's in the world. Lets grab a spot by the pool and rock out to the sounds of The Hollywood Argyles as we discuss the Jerry Lewis classic "The Bellboy"
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Welcome to the January 2025 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rob as they kick of the New Year full of amazing movies streaming on the free Tubi App. This episode comes to you with 5 pop culture films and 5 horror related films streaming on the Free Tubi App.
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Join the Podcast crew as they are visited by the Ghost of Horror Movies Yet to Come. With Clint, Brian and Special Guest Rod as we discuss the horror movies coming your way in 2025. Will 2025 be a year to remember in horror history or will it be one to forget?
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For all you boppers out there in the big city, all you street people for an ear for the action. I've been asked to relay a request from the podcast crew on this cold day in February 1979. Its a special for the Warriors, that real live bunch from Coney, an episode with them in mind.
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Listen in as Clint, Fredd, and The Kulluctor discuss holiday haunts, some ins and outs of quality vs quantity as it pertains to the haunted attraction industry, as well as more gory details of stories from our haunted pasts.
What's better than a new Chapter to one of the greatest holiday slasher films of all time? That's right, just in time for Christmas, two new Chapters!!! Join the podcast crew as we discuss the Fan Films "It's Me Billy Chapter 1 & 2" Complete with Lewd Phone Calls, Attic Parties and More Voices than you can Shake a Candy Cane at. They are so great you will want to poke your eyeball out.
Watch "Its Me Billy Chapter 1 & 2" at the links below.
Follow Director Dave McRae at the link below
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
It’s Christmas 1989 the stockings are hung by the chimney with care and the shitters full, so as a gift to you we dump this episode down the drain. Now let’s get ready for a good ole fashioned Griswold family get together with the craziest bunch of assholes this side of the funny farm.
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Welcome to the Holiday Edition of inDIE Spotlight where each Co-Host shares 3 Independent horror related places or people you should shop with this Holiday season.
Check out the list Below for the names of the places and people the podcast crew highlighted and have a bloody good Holidays.
The Burlington Capital Theater
The Crooked Moon
Crypt Culture
Secondhand Smoke
Wizard of Barge
Deadtime Stories Books and Gifts
Acrostar Productions
The Witches Brew of Clinton
Wicked Wicks Soy Co
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Welcome to the December 2024 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rob as they share a stocking packed full of amazing movies streaming on the free Tubi App. This episode comes to you with 5 pop culture films and 5 horror related films streaming on the Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join the podcast crew for a trip down the 101 with our Bus driver Bret as we blast “I Swear” by All-4-One and try to survive a crazy day in LA. This episode is going to be a blast as we welcome Bret “The Spider Lover” Royer from Bret & Tony with Ash & Abe.
Check out the BTAA Podcast on The PFPN at the link below.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Take a journey to the backside of the haunted attraction industry through the insight of three generations of haunters that span forty years of experiences.
Grab the popcorn, a bottle of soda and a box of Milk Duds as we head to our seats for the movie event of a lifetime. Complete with rowdy kids, bad poetry, the Cuban Missile Crisis and Rumble-Rama. Join the podcast crew as we discuss the love letter to cinema “Matinee”
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
It’s December of 2013 and the podcast crew has “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus on repeat for its voyage across the Multiverse with the smartest man alive Rick Sanchez and his Grandson Morty. Will Brian and Rod survive or will Scary Terry slice them into an “Awww Bitch” Salad?
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To celebrate 666 followers on Facebook the podcast is having a paint party, with heavy metal music and a trip to the art gallery. So pack your suit case and join us as we discuss “The Devils Candy”
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the November 2024 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rob as they share a full plate of amazing Horror movies streaming on the free Tubi App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing a list of Horror films streaming on the Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Get ready for “The Wrong Podcast Died” APPendages November 2024! Join Rod & Brian as they serve up a full course meal including all the non-horror movies hitting Tubi in November 2024. Don't miss it the first Tuesday of every month!!
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
It’s 1958, and the "Witch Doctor" is sweeping the nation and topping the charts. Alfred Hitchcock is introducing a new kind of terror to the big screen. Will his film climb to the top of the box office? Because we know James Stewart can't! Join the podcast crew as we climb to new heights and discuss "Vertigo."
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join the podcast crew as we travel to Tromaville High School with special guests Robert Prichard and Gary Schneider. We get so many amazing stories you will think everyone is high on nuclear pot.
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
It’s 1990 and Edward is hitting the streets. Need your bushes trimmed, your hair cut, need a locksmith or a new hair cut for the special pet in your life. Edward has all your needs covered! Join the podcast crew with special guest Autumn as we record from a haunted house and discuss Edward Scissorhands
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Are you in search of a movie with a killer soundtrack, an engaging story, and a villain that's a total nightmare? Look no further, because we have just the film for you! You wouldn't want to be the ones cleaning up after the chaos in this hidden gem. Join the podcast crew for "Sleepstalker" from 1995, where The Sandman terrorizes everyone and leaves a trail of sand in his wake.
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
The Spring of 1968 will mark one of the most significate times in the history of the United States with the release of "Planet of the Apes" and the assignation of one of the greatest civil rights leaders of all time. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the most impactful episode yet "Planet of the Apes"
The Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the October 2024 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rob as they share some amazing Horror movies streaming on the free Tubi App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing a list of Horror films streaming on the Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Get ready for “The Wrong Podcast Died” APPendages October 2024! Join Rod & Brian as they dive deep into the coolest non-horror movies hitting Tubi in October 2024. Don't miss it the first Tuesday of every month!!
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join the podcast crew as we answer all the hard hitting questions. Who is Jane Doe? How did she die? Why was she buried naked in the basement? Why the fuck do her feet look like that? All these questions and more answered on this episode as the podcast crew talks “The Autopsy of Jane Doe”
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A Talking Pig, a Mischievous Rat and a Spider that can weave web's full of Terrific words. Half of those are the cohosts to the show and one is the main character in the 1973 children's classic Charlotte's Web. Travel back to the 1970's as the Vietnam War had ended and Roberta Flack was Killing Them Softly With Her Song as the podcast crew discusses Charlotte's Web.
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Autumn Equinox Witches Market, Fairly Odd Finds Artist Market, and The Vintage Market Presents: Wicked Pickn' All on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Join the podcast crew with Demon Lover Leah as we discuss the independent film "Demon Behind the Glass" and answer the age old question doesn't everyone keep there demons in the bathroom behind the vanity?? Justice for Eyeless!!!!!!!!!
What do you get when you cross a Mocumentary Meta-Slasher with a star studded cast, great acting, a smart story, Kane Hodder living in Freddy Kruger's House and a pour publicity campaign? One of the greatest under the radar horror films of the last 100 years. Join the Podcast crew with Spooky Guest Leah Stalker as they discuss "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon"
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It’s 1995, Rod and Brian are two outcast at Beverly Hills High. Can they fit in with Cher, Dion, Rachel and the other fly kids. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the bomb film “Clueless”
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Deranged Haunt, Hearsefest, and The Ferndale DIY Street Fair, all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre.
Get ready for “The Wrong Podcast Died” APPendages September 2024! Join Rod & Brian as they dive deep into the coolest non-horror movies hitting Tubi in September 2024. Don't miss it the first Thursday of every month!!
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the September 2024 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Brian & Rob as they share some amazing movies streaming on the free Tubi App. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing a list of Horror films streaming on the Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Its Devils Night 1994 and Detroit is in for a Hell of a Ride. Join the podcast crew as we walk the path of Vengeance with Eric Draven and discuss the film that has shaped the love of cinema, music and art for generations of misfits "The Crow".
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Let’s get ready to rumble as the podcast crew travel to Hong Kong for the Kumite. It’s 1988 and we are in for a fight to the death with Frank Dux, the sound of a Meowing Cat and George Michael. Lets Dux it out and talk about “Bloodsport”
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Festival of Oddities 2024, Wicked Bizarre MI, Canterbury Village Ghost Walk, and Haunting in the Hills Cross Promotion, all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
If you thought collage was rough as a student being part of the facility can be killer. Sorry folks Clint got suspended this episode for opening a collectable. So join Leah & Brian as we turn in term papers and hope to stay off the Deans List. Now we have to attend public speaking class & discuss the independent dark comedy "Publish or Perish"
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Join the podcast crew as we discuss the Screambox exclusive “We Are Zombies”. It’s packed with everything Zombies, blood, kidnapping, theft, romance, wrestling and ZILFS it may just be the film that makes you come again and again.
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Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Famous Funeral Tours, Screamcraft Bizarre Expo, Havoc Fest 2024, and Haunting In The Hills Auditions, all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Welcome to the August 2024 edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Co-host Brian as he shares some amazing movies streaming on the free Tubi App. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing a list of Horror films streaming on the Free Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Were you injured in an accident while riding your bike in Tromaville? Did you pull a muscle while working out at Tromaville, Health Club? Did you fall in a vat of toxic waste and ruin your favorite pink tutu? If so, call Tromaville Law Offices. Our team of expert Podcasters can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Get ready for the premiere of “The Wrong Podcast Died” APPendages! Join Rod & Brian as they dive deep into the coolest non-horror movies hitting Tubi in August 2024. Don't miss it the first Thursday of every month!!
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join “The Wrong Podcast Died” as two horror fans discuss the movie’s, music, television and events that have shaped the fabric of the times. From toys, sports and news we bring you a time capsule straight to the grey matter between your ears. We are a part of the Spooky Universe and will be bringing you new episodes Bi-weekly.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join the podcast crew in preparation for Flashback Weekend 2024 in Chicago. As they discuss the 1980 foggy as fuck, John Carpenter classic with a star studded cast and great synth score “The Fog”
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Join us for inDIE Spotlight's first interview as we talk with Performance Artist, Photographer, and Detroit area Zombie Extraodinaire (to name a few of his talents) Dedd Fredd.
Join us as we psycho analyze the nightmares of Motor City Nightmares Horror Convention Co-Promoter and Nain Rouge Celebrity Agency Co-Founder, Daniel Brown on this special bonus interview episode in anticipation of the 16th year of Detroit's longest running Horror Convention.
Yardsaleapalooza, Hi Gay! Sashay - You Slay Market, and Motor City Nightmares all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre.
Join Clint, Brian, Special Guest Artist Bryan Hoover and Orville as we dig up the Bob Clark classic “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things”
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Welcome to the Inaugural edition of Appendage's from Tubi. Join Co-host Brian as he shares his picks for free movies streaming on the Tubi App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing a list of Horror films streaming on the Free Tubi App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to this months edition of Popcorn Flix Appendages with your host, Brian. It's July, and the fine people at Popcorn Flix have shared a great list of Horrifying Creaure movies streaming on the Free Popcorn Flix App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the July Crackle & Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he celebrates not blowing his APPendages off and shares movies streaming on the Free Crackle & Redbox App that will fill those long summer nights with horror. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle & Redbox App's.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Krampus in July - Dark Arts Market, Dining with the Dead Community Picnic, and The Detroit Oddities and Curiosities Expo, all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Join the podcast crew as we dive into a fans physical media collection and pull out the Tobe Hopper Carnival Killer Classic "The Funhouse" Where else can you find kids smoking weed, having sex and a two headed cow. If you dont know, then you have never been to Iowa.
#thePFPN #MutantFam #Horror
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Join the Podcast crew as they flip thru the pages of Asylum Press comics and discover a world of Vampires, Demons, Monsters, a Female that kicks ass and even a Retro Bikini Edition. Needless to say there is something for everyone and the artwork is amazing.
Shop Asylum Press at the link below or wherever you get your favorite comics and graphic novels
Frankenfest in Port Huron, The Mystical Midsummer Festival, Curious at Crossroads Oddities Festival, and Lost In The 80's Back In Time Bash wsg Tim Cappello at The Redford Theater, all on this edition of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Join the podcast crew for a trip into the horrors of Corperate America and what happens when your late for work, play to much "Mario Cart", drink to much Zolt energy drink and forget Jane Levy is your coworker. Then check out the Crackle original "Office Uprising" #thePFPN #MutantFam #Horror
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Welcome to the June Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares his picks for free movies streaming on the Redbox App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to this months edition of Popcorn Flix Appendages with your host, Brian. It's June, and the fine people at Popcorn Flix have shared a great list of Cryptid movies streaming on the Free Popcorn Flix App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the June Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he celebrates school being out for summer and shares movies streaming on the Free Crackle App that will fill those long summer nights with horror. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Halfway to Halloween at Dancing Eye Gallery, HELL-O Summerfest, Juggalo Prom Night at Harpos, and One Stop Soul Shop presents The Ann Arbor Oddities Bazaar, all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Join the podcast crew for the movie that has it all, aliens, zombies, killers, slugs, one liners, fraternities and Tom Atkins. It’s also the highest rated movie in the shows history “Night of the Creeps” #thePFPN #MutantFam #Horror
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Turn up this latest episode of inDIE Spotlight as Spooky Boys Brian and Clint along with Co-Host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre each showcase one of our favorite indie, Horror related of course, musical performers. We even sing a little......well not Brian!
Fluffball Oddities presents The Curiosity Market, Grimalkin Metaphysical presents The Moon Market Art Show, and EMONITE at The Magic Bag, all on this edition of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Join the podcast crew for a journey back to Leah’s childhood and what she considers her gateway into horror as we discuss what happens when you give Charles Band a script, a house full of dolls and over an hour of screen time to fill. With the 1987 horror film Dolls. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Welcome to the May Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares the things that go bump in the night and delivers scary good movies streaming on the Free Crackle App. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Spring-o-ween is here and May the 4th be with you on this latest edition of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre as she highlights Necto Halfway to Halloween, The Halfway to Halloween Expo, Mayhem at the Market, and Deranged Halfway to Halloween.
Welcome to the May Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares his picks for free movies streaming on the Redbox App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to this months edition of Popcorn Flix Appendages with your host, Brian. It's May, and the fine people at Popcorn Flix must have used AI to read Brian's mind because this month they are sharing a collection of sequel's streaming on the Free Popcorn Flix App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
In the dystopian future of 2024 a group of podcasters are framed for a crime they didn’t commit. They must now fight for survival on the world’s most popular game show. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the 80’s sci-fi/horror classic “The Running Man”
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#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Howl Halfway to Halloween at Pronto, Screamers Costumes Halfway to Halloween Blowout, and Michaels Nevermore Summer Decor Collection all on this episode of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Join the podcast crew as they dive deep into the comic book The Terrifying: Crimson Bat Number 1 on this episode. Then grab a copy from Crimson Bat Comics LLC before it sells out and becomes a classic in comic book history. Be apart of the birth of the next great hero in comic book history.
#thePFPN #Indie #MutantFam
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#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Ann Arbor Monster Record and CD Show, Witches Night Bizaare: Rite of Spring, and Astronomicon, all on this edition of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Welcome to the April Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares his picks for free movies streaming on the Redbox App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to this months edition of Popcorn Flix Appendages with your host, Brian. It's April, and April Showers of horror movies are on the way with a collection of free ones streaming on the Popcorn Flix App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the April Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he slashes prices and give you the deal of the Century. Free movies streaming on the Crackle App. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join the podcast crew with special guest The Velvet Freight Train Bryan Clark as we travel to Sollgel Island and discuss the 1967 film Son of Godzilla. Then ask yourself what’s worse an island full of monsters or a podcast with 2 Bryan’s?
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#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Welcome to this Bonus Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares the free Godzilla Films streaming on the Crackle App right now and celebrates Godzilla's Oscar win!! Don't forget we get a new Godzilla movie this month also.
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The Capri Drive-In, Escape Oz, 80's at The Redford Theater, and Screamers Costumes 3rd Annual Halfway 2 Halloween, all on this special edition of Pure MIcabre's MICH Mash hosted by special guests Brain and Clint of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast.
Join the podcast crew as they dive deep into the gothic tale from 1798 that started a revolution of horror writing. A tale who's pages would influence the likes of Mary Shelly, Poe, Lovecraft and King. Now a full length movie we talk about Wieland. #thePFPN #Indie #MutantFam
These are the voyages of the SS Spooky. Its mission: To explore strange new movies, To seek out new life and new friends, To boldly go where no podcast has gone before. Join the SS Spooky crew as they explore the cult classic with a kick ass theme song " Green Slime"
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#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Totally Rad Vintage Fest, Lucky Bones Artisan Market, and Marche Du Nain Rouge all on this edition of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
Welcome to the March Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares his picks for free movies streaming on the Redbox App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to this months edition of Popcorn Flix Appendages with your host, Brian. It's March, and do we have some treasure for you as we share a pot of horror movies with a collection of free ones streaming on the Popcorn Flix App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the March Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares something he loves more than a plate of Corn beef and cabbage, Irish Whisky and a pot of gold. Free movies streaming on the Crackle App. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Sex, Bugs, Rock & Roll. Ok so there was no rock and roll, but there was plenty of sex, drugs, bugs, and talking assholes. If that's not weird enough for you listen to the podcast crew as they discuss Naked Lunch.
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#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Twin Temple, Motor City Tattoo Expo, and Kids and Kreatures, all on this edition of MICH Mash with your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
This episode of inDIE Spotlight focuses on the diverse indie music of murder folk band Mangy Bones and contains never before heard clips from their upcoming album.
Join the podcast crew as they travel to North Bend Psychiatric Hospital and investigate why Master of Horror John Carpenter was so disturbed after making "The Ward" that he hasn't returned to direct a feature length film since his stay at North Bend.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Hush Haunted Valentine, Til Death Do Us Part Murder Mystery at Art 364, and Midnight Noir Cabaret all on this episode of MICH Mash with your hostess Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre.
Welcome to this months edition of Popcorn Flix Appendages with your host, Brian. It's February, and love is exciting and new come aboard , for a special treat, as Brian shares his bloody love for horror movies with a collection of free ones streaming on the Popcorn Flix App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to this months edition of Crackle Appendages with your host, Brian. It's February, the love month, and as a special treat, Brian shares his bloody love for horror movies with a collection of free ones streaming on the Crackle App. Remember, this podcast is part of the PFPN podcast network where the goal is to provide hundreds of hours of free podcast entertainment to fill your ear holes with audio joy. #thePFPN #MutantFam
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, head down into the Mine and we will Follow you. Join the podcast crew and special guest Leah Stalker as we travel to Valentine Bluffs and talk all things My Bloody Valentine.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
#thePFPN #MutantFam #HorrorPodcast
Welcome to the February Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares something he loves more than a box of chocolate, a dozen roses or even a stuffed teddy bear, free movies streaming on the Redbox App. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
The Dirty Show, Eloise Asylum, and Moonlit Mystics all on this episode of MICH Mash from your host Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre.
To celebrate the 50th year of Troma Entertainment the podcast crew opens with the black and white murder mystery Screamplay. Don't miss out on this hidden gem from the Troma library as it becomes an instant classic.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
#thePFPN #MutantFam #Troma #HorrorPodcast
Join two older guys and one amazing young lady as the discuss the Lovecraftian descent into madness that is Older Gods a independent feature film from Wagyu Films.
Check out Wagyu Films at the link below and catch Older gods on Tubi, Amazon and Apple TV.
Listen in as Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre shares information on this episode about Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.
MARVIN'S MARVELOUS MECHANICAL MUSEUM WEBSITE: http://www.marvin3m.com/Join the Podcast crew as they are visited by the Ghost of Horror Movies Yet to Come. The Mainstream Maverick Jason and discuss the horror movies coming your way in 2024. Will 2024 be a year to remember in horror history or will it be one to forget?
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the January Redbox edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian for his New Year, New You, New Movies list on the Redbox App this month. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the January Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian for his list of horror movies that will keep the chills away streaming on the Crackle App this month. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
To celebrate the 60th episode the podcast crew traveled back in time 60 years and enjoyed the dark ages of 1963. Where witches haunted you for stolen rings, Russian vampires roamed the wastelands and ghostly men called you on a landline telephone. Join the podcast crew as we discuss the horror classic Black Sabbath
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Fist fights at Disney World, Clints belly button piercing, penises and eight degrees of Captain Lou Albano separation. Join the podcast crew as they each highlight three independent companies on this episode of inDIE Spotlight.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Join Co-Host Brian for this very special bonus Christmas movie episode as he shares the gift of free Christmas movies streaming on the Tubi and Pluto TV apps. He also shares the very special gift of a movie only streaming on YouTube.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Listen in as Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre closes out December with a list of Holiday events and a event to help ring in the New Year within the monstrous mitten state of Michigan.
Oh the weather outside is frightful and that doll is so delightful and since there’s no place to go, let’s watch a poorly lite early 80’s slasher. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the 1983 snow filled melodrama slasher Curtains.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the December Redbox edition of Appendage's. This month host Brian shares plenty of gifts with you just in time for the holidays. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month and a list of Honorable Mention streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Welcome to the December Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he shares the gift of free movies streaming on the Crackle App this month. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Listen in as Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre shares information on this episode about creepy Christmas and other holiday shopping opportunities within the monstrous mitten state of Michigan.
Attention RightMart shoppers we are running the John Carver special for the duration of this podcast episode. That means half off all waitress, useless security guards, obnoxious teenagers and a free stepmom turkey sandwich for the first 100 customers. Join the podcast crew as they talk the 2023 slasher Thanksgiving.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Gruesome Neca Toy, Trick or Treat Studios Cyber Monday preorders, and The Scary Book of Christmas Lore, all on this Black Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
A new Walking Dead spinoff teaser trailer, Type-O-Negative’s Bloody Kisses 30th Anniversary, (damn I’m old) and Detroit's Robocop statue, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Join the podcast crew for the Inaugural addition of inDIE Spotlight with Leah Stalker from Pure MIcabre these episodes will highlight independent horror projects and opens with us discussing the film “DARIUSS”
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Welcome to Paradize, People Under the Stairs remake, and Neca serves up Thanksgiving merch, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
What horrific events lurk in Michigan this November? Listen in as Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre tells us all about it on another episode of MICH Mash.
All abord at Wolverton Station, Gory Founders Day Slasher, and The Sacrifice Game spreads some holiday cheer. All on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Dead Boy Detectives, A Spider Man Horror film, and Bad CGI Gator, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
The dystopian future of Divinity, Nick Frost's Svalta wraps production and The Elvira Show, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
What do you get when you mix Iron Maiden, ABBA, and Horror, listen in to find out, Stephen Dorff Botched horror film, and The Sag-Aftra strike has come to an end, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Barbenheimer spoof from Charles Band, Little Nightmares 3, and a Christmas Massacre video game all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the November Crackle edition of Appendage's. Join Co-host Brian as he stuffs you with his recommendation's of movies streaming on the Crackle App this month. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with a list of Honorable Mention's streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Mckamey Mannor under investigation, Alamo Drafthouse keeps the Halloween spirit alive, and Stranger Things Day, yes the show actually has a day, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Spooky Season may be over but the party never stops. Listen in as Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre directs you to events full of post Halloween spookiness contained within the state of Michigan.
Barbarian video game, Salems Lot remake remains cloaked in mystery, and Pennywise on pause, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the November Redbox edition of Appendage's. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month and a list of Honorable Mention streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
What do Art the Clown, Jason Vorhees, and Santa Clause have in common? (keep listening to find out), Poltergeist in the TV, and pick up The Black Phone, because The Grabber is calling, all on this Wednesday the day after Halloween edition of Spill The Guts.
Annual Trick r Treat teaser, Michael Myers puzzle game, and Duran Duran’s new Halloween themed album, all on this Monday Devil’s Night edition of Spill The Guts
On Halloween 1994 Michael Myers stalks his infant son because a constellation controls his mind. Can he be stopped by Paul Rudd and Dr Loomis or will his power be passed on to the Podcast Crew? Join the Cult of Thorn as they talk Halloween 6: the Curse of Michael Myers.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Blackula Lives, Ed Gein the Musical, and Monsternado all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Hello Horror Home Makeover, The Future of Fear Street Films, and Sami Curr Lives, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts
Silent Hill Ascension, A Halloween Slumber Party, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force returns, all on this Tuesday should have been Monday’s edition of Spill The Guts.
As Halloween creeps closer, let Leah Stalker of PURE MIcabre guide you through some of the many haunting happenings throughout the Monstrous Mitten State.
It Rose From The Tomb, Boo Buckets are back, and Scarefest Weekend, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Treehouse of Horror 34, Dawn of the Dead on the big screen, and Chuck Norris battles zombies, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Hayride to Hell, SpectreVision on Pluto TV, and Monster Tacos, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Just in time for Spooky season the podcast crew covers a pop culture event that to the day has a Star studded cast, an amazing soundtrack, a great story and even a Music Video. No this isn't a Michael Jackson record its the 1985 made for Tv movie "The Midnight Hour".
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Michael Miramax Myers on TV, Fortnitemares, and Our Double Feature Event at The Orpheum Theater, all on this Friday the 13th edition of Spill The Guts.
Terrifier 3 Teaser, David Gordon Green Exorcised from The Exorcist, and Garbage Pail Kids animated, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Goblins, Demons and Detroit , MMA meets horror, and Sundown 966, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
With October in full swing, there is no better place to get the dirt on haunted happenings in Michigan, then right here with your host Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre's MICH Mash presented by The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast.
Living Dead Weekend in Evans City laid to rest, Mortal Kombat Horror Icons, and Ghostface the Game, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the October Redbox edition of Appendage's. Don't pass up listening to this episode if the spirts of Halloween drained your wallet and you need some free movies to watch. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month and this month a list of Honorable Mention streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Neca Vincent Price, Mcfarlane Toys puts the maniacs back in Movie Maniacs, and Toys R Us reanimated, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the October Crackle edition of Appendage's. Don't forget to follow the rules of Halloween and catch a bonus rule from host Brian on this episode. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month and this month a list of Honorable Mention streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
Joe Bob’s super-sized 6th season, Trick or Treat toys, and Are you still afraid of the dark, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Start October off right as the podcast crew takes a trip to the Massachusetts town of Whitewood to research witchcraft and stay at the eerie Raven's Inn. The fog is thick and the hitchhikers are relentless but it won’t stop them from covering the 1960 horror classic Horror Hotel.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Halloween Ends alternate ending, Tales From The Crypt rights issues, and video game performers are set to join the Sag-Aftra strike, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
A Spooktacular documentery, Easter Bloody Easter, and its true….you can’t kill the boogeyman, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Scream the musical, The Squid Game for real, and Gwengoolie, all on this Monday edition of Spill the Guts.
Leah "Too Sweet" Stalker of Pure MIcabre is back early with a new episode of Mich Mash to keep you up to date on all of the upcoming Halloween events happening in Michigan.
Scarecrow rent by mail, Authentic Drive-Ins Horror Fest, and Evil Dead the game is dying, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
The Exorcist Rock Musical, Exorcist wine, and The original Exorcist re-possesses movie theaters, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Saw X popcorn buckets, Michael Myers stalks Archie icons, and Night of the Living Dead film location tours, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Puppeteers, Primetime TV, Needle Therapy, Wheelchair Rides to Hell and Warriors that dreams are made of. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the Fan Choice Part 3 winner A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Welcome to the inaugural episode of MICH MASH with your host Leah Stalker of Pure MIcabre who every other Saturday will share news and information about all things spooky happening in Michigan.
The Simpsons Live Action Horror….sorta, The 22nd Annual Hearse Fest, and the official, I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast expanded content announcement, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Hocus Pocus Airbnb, Unsolved Mysteries Anniversary Special, and an announcement from The George A. Romero Foundation, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Candyman in the classroom, Blockbuster inspired speak easy’s, and The Crow reboot, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Eli Roth invites us for Thanksgiving, Disney Plus gives us Goosebumps, and Troma gives us Sweet Meats, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the September Redbox edition of APPendages. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with some Honorable Mention's of movies streaming on the Free Redbox App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
A time traveling corpse, The Creepshow 2 story that never was, and Frankentron, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the September Crackle edition of APPendages. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing Brian's top 3 picks each month with an Honorable Mention of movies streaming on the Free Crackle App.
Check out the link below to follow all the podcast social media sites.
AMC expands Fear Fest, Shudder announces multiple Joe Bob specials, and Dylan’s Nightmare returns, all on this Labor Day Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Actor, Producer, Zombie Legend and Gardener Extraordinaire Jim Krut joins the Spooky Boys to talk his career, his passion for life and having a green thumb in an interview that’s guaranteed to take your top off.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls, The resurrection of Hammer Films, and Saw….the musical?! All on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts
Troma Tv, The creation of Robocop, and The creators of Seven bring us a new Killer, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
The Deep Dark, Limited Halloween 3 Tom Atkins Action Figure, and a Lucio Fulci video game, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
In the 107 year old Orpheum Theater the crew sits down with the staff to discuss Horror movies, the Great Vaudeville acts to grace the stage, Hauntings, The After Dark Fright Film Fest and the upcoming Severin double feature Next of Kin and Galesburg’s own Strange Behavior brought to you by the I Like it Spooky Horror Podcast.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Blairstown Diner, Bruce Campbell writes a DC comic series, and Here Comes the Mummies, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
12 Foot Ghost, Creepshow Season 4, and Fantastic Fest, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Chainsaw Confidential, Goldilocks Death and Porridge, and Severin Films releases Cushing Curiosities, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Big Ben, Stonehenge, Buckingham Palace a spot of tea and Hammer House of Horrors. Join the Spooky Boys for a barmy trip across the pond to England as they discuss the smashing 1980 television series Hammer House of Horrors.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
American Horror Stories Huluween, Chucky Season 3, and Horrorhound Indianapolis, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
13 Ghosts haunt your tv, Creepypasta Russian Sleep Experiement, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Death Match Championship, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Bigfoot linked to missing persons, Aykryod and Chase together in R. L. Stein’s Zombie Town, and Scary Stories to Tell in the dark part 2, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Fright Night Origins, Talk 2 Me already gets a sequel, and Street Trash gets re-brewed, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Never Hike Alone 2 wraps like a body in a sleeping bag, Steve Kastanski wraps on Frankie Freako, and a 25 foot tall Michael Myers, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
The Bride of Frankenstein freshens up, Full Moon announces Tiny Terrors, and Satan Want You, all on this special Tuesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Scream 7, Twilight of the Dead, and Flashback Weekend Chicago Horror Con, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Mutated humanoid creatures, Strippers with Machine Gun Legs and the Best Damn BBQ in Texas. No this isn’t an ABC after school special. The Spooky Boys are inviting you along for some blood soaked BBQ and easy listing as they cover the 2007 grind house movie Planet Terror.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Welcome to the August Redbox edition of the latest sub-cast extension of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast, APPendages. These episodes will release the first Thursday of each month, containing a brief listing and commentary on the free Horror movies streaming on the Redbox App.
Borderlands movie release date, Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong, and a supernatural entity kills adulterers in Cheat, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the August Crackle edition of the latest sub-cast extension of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast, APPendages. These episodes will release the first Tuesday of each month, containing a brief listing and commentary on the free Horror movies streaming on the Crackle App.
A Late Night with the Devil, American Psycho is drawing blood, and an update on Horror Conventions, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Slauterhouse 2, Casltvania returns to Netfilx, and Nightmares return to the Motor City, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Headless Horseman Halloween Anthology comic, Nightmares of Nature Wildlife Doc, and Wesley Snipes returns as Blade, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
SAG strike update as it pertains to conventions, Army of Darkness sequel in comic book shops, and They Live returns to select theaters, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
In 2023 the Spooky Boys were invited to investigate the Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital two of them survived long enough to record this podcast and were never heard from again. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the paranormal cult classic Grave Encounters.
Check out the link below to find all the podcast social network sites.
Del Toro stitches Frankenstein back together, AI Destroys the world, and a Pet Semetery prequel all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
SAG-AFTRA and The WGA on strike together for the first time since 1960, and what it all means, on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts
Peacock sinks its sweet tooth into Twisted Metal, American Horror Story Remake….sorta, and Return of the Living Dead is getting re-animated all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Spirit Halloween shoots off their Killer Klowns popcorn gun, Willy Wonka prequel coming soon, and The Toxic Avenger mutates to 4k, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Universal Monsters get their own channel, Leslie Vernon universe expands, and Svengoolie coast to coast, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
A Magic 8 Ball Horror Film, Spider Baby Remake wraps filming, and Joe Spinell’s Maniac character slashes back into the comic book world. All on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Tik Tok
John Carpenter Autographs, Dee Snyder’s new Horror film, and Stranger Things The Stage Play, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the second July edition of the latest sub-cast extension of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast, APPendages. These episodes will release the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month, each containing a brief listing and commentary on the free Horror movies streaming on the Crackle, and Redbox Apps.
John Waters invades the Mahoning Drive In, Godzilla invades Pluto TV, and The Friday the 13th game enters Rage Mode, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the latest sub-cast extension of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast, APPendages. These episodes will release the first Tuesday and Thursday of each month, each containing a brief listing and commentary on the free Horror movies streaming on the Crackle and Redbox Apps.
Angus Scrimm speaks from beyond the grave, Iconic Hollywood scream is unearthed, and Goblin goes on tour in The States, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Spirit Halloween says HOLD MY BEER, Warner Brothers embrace AI, and The Word On The Street from Ted of Ted's Marvelous Custom Gumball Emporium, plus an announcement about The Spooky-verse of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast expanding with even more content offering, all on this FRIDAY edition of Spill The Guts.
Leatherface carves out a place at Lowes, Human remains identified as actor Julian Sands, and an exclusive announcement from Jada Toys, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
R.L. Stein Stuff of Nightmares, Resident Evil 9 rumor leaks, and The supernatural Indiana Jones Horror movie that almost was all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Join with Spooky Boys as they welcome special guest Justin Beahm. The podcast crew discusses Justin’s time as a writer, producer, interviewer extraordinaire, and hugger. Justin shares stories of his work with Paramount, Shout Factory, Terror Vision, and some wild stories from his past that involve bit roles, professional wrestling, and more!
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Koffin Kats celebrate 20 years, An R Rated Paranormal Circus on tour, and The Word On The Street from Ted's Marvelous Custom Gumball Emporium all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
12 Hours of Hell, Metalocalypse: The Complete Series, and NECA at SDCC, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
The Mean One, A cursed bodycam game, and The Headless Horseman on a motorcycle in Chopper, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Terror Roulette in Chicago, Stop The Killer with Fright-Rags, and The Word On The Street from Ted of Ted's Marvelous Custom Gumball Emporium all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Eli Roth teams with Dreamworks, Killer Klowns From Outer Space the musical, and Creepshow creeps back into comic shops, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
More Friday the 13th video game news, John Carpenter's Toxic Commando, and Fangoria puts the Terror in Tuesday, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Join the Spooky Boys as they cook up the perfect recipe for a 1970’s killer animal movie. One prize cow, two Shatner’s and thousands of man eating spiders. Mix well with some cheesy music and great character acting. Bake on high for an hour and 37 mins and you get “Kingdom of the Spiders”
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The Lost Tapes of Ed Gein, A new Friday the 13th video game, and The Word On The Street from Ted of Ted's Marvelous Custom Gumball Emporium, all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts.
Hocus Pocus 3, Another Disney Princes Goes Gore, Creepy Cereal, and a follow up to The Visionary Documentary, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts.
Horror writers on strike. John Carpenter directs from his couch and teases a sequel to The Thing, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
Terrifier 3, Cocaine Crabs From Outer Space, and The Word On The Street all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts!
Living Dead Weekend, Danzig on tour, and Vincent Price in Chicago, all on this Wednesday edition of Spill The Guts!
Propstore.com offers some hot items this summer, Barry Bostwick and Rocky Horror hit the road, and things get tricky in the All Hallows' Eve franchise. All on this Memorial Day Monday edition of Spill The Guts.
In 1964 Vincent Price stared in an Italian film that would change the course of Horror movie history forever and serve as the prequel to Covid 2019. Join the Podcast crew to talk vampires, zombies, bats, blind kids and mass graves for the 1964 classic “The Last Man on Earth”
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Zombiefest 9, Mondo at Texas Frightmare, and The Word on the Street all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts!
A Violent Ted Raimi, Cinderella's Curse, and Texas Chainsaw Music, all on this Wednesday episode of Spill The Guts!
Walking Dead: Dead City, Monster High Live Show, and Stephen King film documentary, all on this Monday edition of Spill The Guts!
A gathering of Michael Myers, The 2023 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards, and The Word on the Street all on this Friday edition of Spill The Guts!
Renny Harlin swims with sharks again, What We Do in the Shadows Season 5 release date, and The Visionary Documentary all on this Wednesday episode of your tri-weekly news round up, Spill The Guts.
Hot off the release of the latest episode where we discuss Evil Dead Rise, the tri-weekly horror news blitz, Spill The Guts, kicks off your Monday with topics including the return of Dethklok, more Universal Monster re-imaginings, and a follow-up reminder about Clive Barker autographs.
A wise man once said “A mother's love endures through all.” – Washington Irving.
Join the Spooky Boys as we put that saying to the test with a group of pizza dropping, record playing, glass eating kids, a pregnant sister and one demon possessed Mother as we discuss Evil Dead Rise.
It's Friday here at your tri-weekly news blitz, Spill The Guts where we take a 5 to 10 minute trip through current Horror genre news every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In our first ever Friday edition, we touch on Beetlejuice 2, Friday the 13th fan film Victim No More, and hear what the word on the street is from Ted of Ted's Marvelous Custom Gumball Emporium.
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Spill The Guts where you will be guided on a five to ten minute journey through the graveyard of daily horror genre news every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In this first edition, we take a look at the upcoming fan film It's Me Billy: Chapter 2, A new Goosebumps series from R.L. Stein, and information on how to submit your work to the George A Romero Foundation for their upcoming The Dead Podcast series.
Do you like toys, do you like movies, do you like karate kicks to the face? If you said yes to any of these questions listen to the podcast crew and special guest Josh Perlmutter from Bootless as Fck Toys as we discuss the Chuck Norris movie “Silent Rage” and take the U from F$ck and put in smack dab in the middle of fun!
Did you grow up loving the Power Rangers? Did you grow up loving Troma movies? Did you grow up loving Godzilla? Hell did you even grow up? If you said yes to any of these questions you should Frig off and listen to the podcast crew discuss Psycho Goreman. Its the heckin' best and if you aren't down with that you can Frig off.
Join the Podcast crew as they discuss the 2022 movie Final Summer with Writer, Director John Isberg.
In the aftermath of a tragedy at a summer camp, a group of camp counselors find themselves fighting for their lives against a masked killer.
Follow the I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast at the links below
Join the Podcast crew as they take a tour of historic Valentine Bluffs “The Little Town with a Big Heart.” Along the way they are joined by Director Tom Smith and The Miner Chuck Ryan to discuss all things “Valentine Bluffs: A Fan Film” will the Spooky Boys survive the curse of The Miner?
#MutantFam #thePFPN #ValentineBluffs #CurseoftheMiner
Watch Valentine Bluffs: A Fan Film at the link below.
Part Jaws, Part Tin Cup, all Troma. Just When You Thought it Was Safe to Putt, the Spooky Boys discuss the Troma horror comedy classic "Blades"
Join the podcast crew as the organizers of Motor City Legacy Horror Convention sit down with The Spooky Boys for an exclusive interview that includes another guest announcement for the convention taking place April14th-16th 2023 and clues for more. We also discuss what it takes to run a successful convention and how they plan to grow the show in the future.
Do you like horror movies? Then you wont want to miss this episode.
Join the Spooky Boys as they discuss the 2023 slate of upcoming horror movies. Including mainstream, some off the beaten path and some great fan films coming in 2023.
Holidays got you down? Do you miss the old days filled with laughs, love and giving? So does jolly Old Saint Nick and his beloved Skull Crusher. So get back into the holiday spirt and have a bloody good time as the Spooky Boys cover the 2022 Christmas blood bath that is Violent Night.
Join the podcast crew as we are joined by the man behind the mask Brent Edgett. We talk fan films, cosplay, special effects, and his acting career. Brent has graced the screen as both Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers. He has also worked on fans films Rose Blood, Vengeance 2: Bloodlines and The Fall of Camp Blood. Don't forget Brent does a killer Art the Clown Cosplay.
What better movie for the podcast to cover with the internet death hox that occurred recently with Michael J Fox than one where he isn't dead or he is dead. Wait his friends are dead in it and so is the villain. I thought he died in the movie? Hell who knows. Join the podcast crew as we cover "The Frighteners"
When The Crypt Keeper stops by to say hello you have to discuss his favorite show Tales From the Crypt. Join the podcast crew as we discuss 3 episodes of the HBO series that ran from 1989-1996, spawned a couple movies and cultivated a generation of horror fans.
Could this really be the end of Michael Myers or is this another chapter in the Multiverse that is Halloween. Join the podcast crew as we stalk the streets of Haddonfield asking the lifelong question for horror fans in their 40's. Can You kill the Boogie Man?
Join the podcast crew for a live episode we recorded at Halloweenapalooza 2022 with special guest Justin Beahm from Reverend Entertainment. We laugh, we cry, we watch old grindhouse trailers and we ask the most important question of a generation. Can you kill the boogie man?
Join the podcast crew as we discuss the Most Controversial movie of 2022 The Munster's. Come along for the magic ride that is Herman and Lily falling in love. We laugh, we cry, we even get threated to be unfriended by Jason. Yes we packed all of that into one episode and we didn't even need a Shirley Temple.
Join the Podcast crew as they discuss the 2018 film Overlord. Part war film, part zombie flick and an all out gore fest. Overlord gives fans of B movies everything they want on a big budget scale.
Want to know more about The Orpheum Theatre? Listen to this bonus episode of The I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast recorded on the stage of the 106 year old venue as our very own Brian sits down with the organizers of this historic location to discuss films, ghosts, the upcoming After Dark Fright Film Festival and all things spooky!
Do your co-workers, family and friends talk to much? Well we have the solution for you. Just call 1-80M-ARY-SHAW and she will take care of all your needs. Mary also does kids parties with her favorite puppet Billy. Then go give the Spooky Boys a listen as they discuss Dead Silence on this episode of the I Like it Spooky Horror Podcast.
Do you love to read? Are you excited for the kids to go back to school? Does the thought of a good book filled with pages of action, love and a crazed killer with half his face missing trying to cut your heart out make you excited? If so join the podcast crew as we discuss the horror film noir I, Madman.
Join the podcast crew for a bonus episode filled with fun facts about Night of the Comet. Its a movie Clint Michael Tacy cant get enough of.
Join the podcast crew for this special bonus episode as we discuss Flashback Horror Weekend 2022 and all the amazing things that went on at the convention. Tune in for a very special Why Are We Poor segment of the show packed with tons of awesome pick ups and the story of how much we enjoyed filming last episodes star studded opening for the show.
Does your brain feel like comet dust? Do you want to eat animals and take valley girls hostage as they shop? We have the cure for you. Episode 22 of the I Like It Spooky Horror Podcast.
When a comet wipes out most of life on Earth a small group of survivors must fight to survive against infected cannibal zombies and a sinister group of scientists.
In 1986 a comet caused the machines of Earth to come to life and attack the very people that made them. A group of survivors holed up in the Dixie Boy truck stop must fight off a group of homicidal trucks and hope to survive.
Have you ever been captured and held captive by a masked man? While you fight for survival did a unplugged Black Phone ring and connect you to ghosts trying to help you escape? Did your sister have visions of a serial killer capturing and killing your boys in your neighborhood? What a wild year 1978 was. Join the Podcast crew as they discuss "The Black Phone"
Join the podcast crew as we discuss two amazing films courtesy of the fine folks at Severin Films. The bloody good time that is "Beyond the Darkness" and the killer shark classic "Deep Blood" then go check out the amazing library of films at https://severinfilms.com/
It's not only one of the best holidays but possibly the favorite movie for 1 of us. Join us as we discuss the immortal slasher horror classic Halloween and its first of many sequels Halloween 2. John Carpenter and his crew took a small budget and created one of the most successful independent films of all time. Listen in and find out what we all think of these iconic movies.
When the dead return to life and seek human victims, a small group of refugees seek shelter in a house on the Pennsylvanian countryside. Will they suffer their undead attackers or will infighting destroy any chance they may have? Join the podcast crew as they discuss Tom Savini's 1990 remake of the classic 1968 George A. Remero Night of the Living Dead and discuss the upcoming podcast trip to Living Dead Weekend at the Monroeville Mall for the 1990 NOTLD cast reuinon.
Eat a Bowl of F**K Im Here to Party!! What more could you want from a horror movie. Its got demons, parties and grumpy old men. Join the podcast crew as they discuss the 1988 horror classic Night of the Demons.
In 1986, a bullied teen plays the only copy of his dead rock idle’s last record backwards and unleashes a force determined to destroy all false metal! Wake up sleepy heads……It’s Party Time!!🤘👹🤘
Dawn always comes after the Night and that still holds true in zombie lore. Listen as we discuss the beloved George A. Romero movie Dawn of the Dead. Complete with gun toting zombies, a Savini's biker gang, exploding heads and blue toned flesh.
Do you like witches, 20 foot long tongues, flying vampire heads with organs attached that suck babies from the womb? No it’s not the plot for “Hocus Pocus 2”.
It’s “Mystics in Bali” with special guest Tadd Good from the “First Time?” Podcast
When a podcast virgin joins Camp “I Like It Spooky” for his first summer away from home it gets bloody!! Join the crew and special guest Clint as we discuss “The Burning”
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