Episode 132 is short but lots of nice stories.
In order:
1. US Army MPF renamed to M10 Booker Combat Vehicle.
2. Latest news in the Oshkosh JLTV protest.
3. Defense News Opinion Story on how the US can be successful against a conflict with China. Best part of the article is the description of the 1st and 2d Island Chain (if you didn't know already).
4. HASC subcommittee (Sea Power & Projection Forces) supports USMC Amphibious vessels.
5. New US Navy Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) nominated by SECDEF. (Could be a surprise).
6. Denmark considers procuring submarines.
7. UK RAF Typhoons intercept Russian aircraft from base in Estonia.
8. UK Army, 2d Battalion, Royal Gurkha Rifles, 16th Air Assault Brigade train with India Infantry Company in Wiltshire.
9. Australia Army Autonomous Resupply Convoy Mission Trial.