If I Ruled the World by Gillian Burke
Give us your feedback and tell us what you would do if you ruled the world!
What would society look like if we scrapped GDP as a measure of progress? This week, Gillian chats with Professor Tim Lenton, a seasoned expert in Earth System Science from the University of Exeter to find out. We dive into the profound connections between our planet's systems and the Gaia hypothesis; exploring how the conditions of life on earth are maintained by self-regulating systems in the ocean, atmosphere, rock and by life itself.
Understanding Earth System Science:
Gaia Theory Revisited:
Climate Tipping Points:
Positive Tipping Points:
Societal and Behavioural Changes:
Global Gaia Happiness Index
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What would you do if you ruled the world?
If you have any insights or feedback on today’s episode or you have an idea for how the world could be a better place, drop me an email on [email protected]
A final thank you to our wonderful sponsors Triodos Bank UK for making this podcast happen, and to The Wildlife Trusts for their continued support.
Host: Gillian Burke
Production Company: Soundquake
Producer: Sam Hamilton-Turner
Editing: Jake-Lee Savage