In June of this year, I was asked to speak at a conference on imposter syndrome for women in business. Being one of my goals for the year, I was super excited and quickly said yes.
Then, a feeling crept in.
This feeling of “who are you to speak in front of all those women?” and “do you really have anything to share that they already don’t know?”
Have you been there before? When you start feeling like an imposter and that you are not qualified or worthy of that opportunity?
That’s what Amanda Tobe, an Industrial Organizational Psychologist from Toronto, Canada, and I are diving into on the podcast today: Imposter Syndrome. Whether this is a new term for you, or an old familiar face, Amanda shares how to move beyond imposter syndrome that may be holding you back:
Links from this episode:
Book: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
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