Impolite Society: Exploring the Weird, Taboo & Macabre
Halloween is a time of trick, treats, and culturally insensitive costumes. A bad Halloween costume can do more than just make you look lazy- it can get you cancelled. Native Americans, Geishas, and Southern Belle costumes have gotten people cooler than you cancelled by social media. Should the classic witch's hat be added to the list of cancellable costumes?
The origin of the witch's hat is a historical ball of string, and it's been said that witch hats were inspired by anti-Semitic laws in medieval Europe. Let's look into the witch's hat. When it was first seen atop a witch's head, what inspired it, and if you are wearing an anti-Semitic dog whistle this year for your night of tricks and treats.
That's what you're in for today on Impolite Society.
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