Following the huge success of The Matrix Trilogy, The Wachowskis' turned their attention to the world of comic book adaptations with 2005’s V for Vendetta. Featuring an often-overlooked James McTeigue in the directors’ chair and a combination of James Purefoy & Hugo Weaving behind the now iconic mask, it’s a tale of governmental domination, of totalitarianism, of suppression of freedoms and the extinguishing of liberties. London is ruled by an oppressive political party that controls every aspects of its citizens lives, but one man seeks to change that. Knowns only as a V, he conceals his identity behind a Guy Fawkes mask, and with his reluctant recruit Evey by his side, he seeks to do what the Gunpowder conspirators never managed, and destroy the Houses Of Parliament. Join us this week as we remember remember the 5th of November, and discuss whether or not V For Vendetta is a movie that should ever be forgot.