The Christmas season is finally upon us! You’ve broken out your tree, adorned it with the finest decorations, written all your cards, bought all the presents and are now preparing for a happy, fun filled day with your nearest and dearest. Your friends at In Film We Trust, on the other hand, are gearing up to spend a bit of time with Father David in his dark, cold, lonely house. Aren’t we lucky!? To spice things up a bit, a pair of ‘nice when you get to know them’ individuals turn up, and pretty soon everything has descended into utter chaos. To round out 2022, we’re taking a look at Eric Pennycoff’s sleigh ride into insanity, The Leech. Have you seen It’s A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story and Die Hard one too many times, and are looking for an Xmas flicks that’s a bit more, shall we say, twisted? Then this might just be the film for you.