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Examining the Bloody Guardrails
When an event reported on the news is observed to have the hallmarks of a mass casualty simulation or a drill, the skeptic must assume nobody died. Why? Because people don’t die in drills.
The mass media often presents such simulations to the unsuspecting public because it functions as an extension of government and delivers its propaganda.
If there is even the smallest indication that an event is staged, there’s no reason to assume any part of it is real. We must assume ZERO deaths in all such cases unless evidence is presented.
Some people are stuck on this “some people died” or “I wasn’t there” to allow for the possibility people died. This argument sustains the “false flag” narratives rather than calling a hoax a hoax. How? Because a false flag refers to real attacks with real casualties. This assumption of real death hides the extent of the fakery.
Some people still argue that “some people” must have died on 9/11/01, such as “muh jumpers,” even though they discount real planes being used. This means they subtract a substantial number from the asserted death toll but can’t quite justify going all the way to zero. Why not? If it's a drill, it’s a drill. Here are a few points to consider if you’re still stuck behind the bloody guardrail. (It’s fake blood by the way).
All participants in the simulated events are presumably bound by non-disclosure agreements. These NDAs are not valid if crimes or illegal activity are occurring. This explains why those laughing crisis actors never blow the whistle on who killed their classmates. They know it’s fake, and they aren’t being asked to cover up murders. Also, there would not be duper’s delight evident on their faces if real atrocities were happening.
President Trump’s ear: We can all accept that his ear wound was fake. Therefore, we don’t need to ASSUME the fireman really died. The mistaken belief that he was killed prevents people from seeing the fake assassination attempt as a propaganda event orchestrated by the government at a level above partisan politics. This was an engineered historical event.
The events of 9/11/01 were concurrent with DOZENS of drills. Mass casualty drills are closed movie sets. Consider how much control this gave the directors to ensure the area was a closed set. There’s no reason to assume the Twin Towers were “attacked” or that their demolition was sloppy. Anyone asserting “somebody” must have died is a) grasping at straws, and b) operating on a false premise. Nobody dies in drills. Psyops on the television are not attacks.
The “I wasn’t there, so I can’t say nobody died” is an argument from ignorance. We have more than enough information to call a hoax a hoax. We know that mass casualty simulations are ALWAYS concurrent with the big fake shooting events. We ruled out “false flag” theories, so at this point, there’s no reason to assume any death toll.
The burden of proof is on the media to provide evidence so you can know the truth. If you “believe it” because you can’t debunk it, you accept a burden of proof that is not yours. If you see a magician perform a series of ten tricks and you can only figure out how he did nine of them, do you assume that the tenth trick was magic? If you can’t debunk a magic trick, is your default explanation that you witnessed real magic? Of course not. You can only say, “I know it’s fake, but I don’t know the specifics of how this particular illusion was created.
Psyops imitate art.
The IPS Think Tank examines media fakery and properly contextualizes it within the “world view” created by the mass media. We consistently observe the relationship between fake news and predictive and concurrent programming. This relationship, this entrainment between entertainment and news, is deliberately engineered to help the public accept a particular version of history as it’s created day by day.
We assume nothing. Major historical events, such as the big psyops, must be assumed to be staged and fake unless facts suggest otherwise.
Tim Ozman,