In 2019, 19-year-old influencer Matilda Djerf launched the Scandinavian styled, non-seasonal, ready-to-wear fashion brand ‘Djerf Avenue’ together with her partner and co-founder Rasmus Johansson. Only three years in, Djerf Avenue has become globally recognised, reporting $8 million in sales in 2021.
That’s not all. At the same time, Matilda gained global recognition for her iconic hair and Scandinavian style, quickly propelling her Instagram account up to 2,3M followers - and counting.
This week, we'll be joined by Rasmus Johansson, CEO and co-founder of Djerf Avenue, as well as Matilda Djerf herself, the creator behind the eponymous brand whose two million plus Instagram followers have become willing devotees of her sustainable, all-season fashion line.
We'll be discussing: