Hello and welcome to Informatics in the Round, a podcast designed to help everyone become a part of the dialog about topics in biomedical informatics.
I’m Kevin Johnson, a physician and informatics researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. @kbjohnsonmd on Twitter, www.kevinbjohnsonmd.net on the web!
In this episode of Informatics in the Round I’m joined by a half dozen guests.
Why all these guests? Because today’s topic is all about me and my new Children’s book called Who, Me? I’m a Biomedical Informatics Expert Now. It’s part of a series that Professor David Weintraub, Professor Ann Neely, and I are producing.
I want to warn you that the guests ask me some very personal questions that I answer honestly. It might not be for everyone’s tastes. But that’s what the fast forward button is for.
Anyway, I hope you learn a bit about me, and about my journey from this episode.
We end with a wonderfully fitting song for this episode, written by Jane Bach and sung by Jo Dee Messina: Dare to Dream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg2aF1z9myw. Thanks for letting me end with such great music!