Anne Gordon de Barrigon is a Dolphin Messenger and Whale Wisdom Expert. She is dedicated to sharing with others her love for the whales, dolphins, the natural world as well as the Emberá tribe and other indigenous peoples and leads people on journeys to experience themselves through relation to these people and other mammals.
Early in her career Anne became the 'go to' person in the Pacific Northwest region when any film, TV show or commercial or still photo shoot needed an animal to perform. At that time she was running both her outreach programs and doing the film work at the same time. Until one fateful day. During a commercial shoot on her property her tiger attacked and nearly killed one of her volunteers. It was the worst day of her life. Fortunately, her volunteer survived, but it was a big wake up call for Anne.
Anne can define her life's purpose with one word; RESPECT. Respect for animals, nature and all humans.