In this episode of Inside EMS, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the launch of the EMS Trend Survey 2022, which will provide the data for the 7th annual EMS Trend Report. During the conversation, the hosts emphasize the importance of field providers participating in the survey.
"This is their opportunity to have their voices heard," Cebollero said.
Grayson echoed his sentiment. "This is a chance to take stewardship of our profession," he said.
The pair also discuss Grayson's recent article, "Whatever will we do without the skill sheets?" regarding NREMT's plan to sunset skill sheets for paramedic certification, and what other changes are needed in EMS edcuation.
Cebollero and Grayson also discuss a recent news item from Lexington, Kentucky, that found a nearly 7% decrease in call volume due to the area's robust community paramedicine program.