Read more > Listen to the podcast (duration: 25:34) > Environmental, social, and governance(ESG) issues are playing an increasing role in companies’ decisions around mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. But how do these factors link to corporate performance and deal potential? In this episode, two experts share their insights on navigating this fast-changing landscape. Sara Bernow, who leads McKinsey’s work in sustainable investing and co-leads the institutional investing practice in Europe, is a co-author of the recent article, “More than values: The values-based sustainability reporting that investors want. ”Robin Nuttall leads our regulatory and government affairs practice and recently co-authored “Five ways that ESG creates value.” They spoke with Strategy & Corporate Finance communications director Sean Brown at the European 2020 M&A Conference in London.Discover our latest insights and join more than 92,000 influential professionals who are part of our LinkedIn community:
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