Insight Hour with Joseph Goldstein
Joseph Goldstein explores the six internal and external sense bases of consciousness, explaining its selfless and contingent nature.
The Satipatthana Sutta is one of the most celebrated and widely studied discourses in the Pāli Canon of Theravada Buddhism. This episode is the twenty-fourth part of an in-depth 48-part weekly lecture series from Joseph Goldstein that delves into every aspect of the Satipatthana Sutta. If you are just now jumping into the Satipatthana Sutta series, listen to Insight Hour Ep. 203 to follow along and get the full experience!
This week, Joseph offers wisdom on:
“What’s difficult is to see all of these sense objects and the sense bases, to see and understand them as being conditioned, selfless, not I, not mine, not belonging to anyone. Not only seeing the sense object and sense base as selfless, but seeing the knowing of them as selfless.”– Joseph Goldstein
Grab a copy of the book Joseph references throughout this series, Satipaṭṭhāna: The Direct Path to Realization, HERE
This talk was originally published on Dharmaseed
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