Melanie and Jack have been dating for a little over a year and while they don’t live with one another, Melanie tells us she spends a lot of time at Jack’s place. Melanie recently found out that Jack was subscribed to an OnlyFans model which she was fine with at first, but she has also noticed that Jack started using Snapchat a lot more than he used to. Melanie was supposed to go on a work trip this weekend, but she got a call from a vet’s office letting her know that she was Jack’s emergency contact for his dog while he was out of town the same time she was even though Melanie had no idea Jack was also out of town this weekend.
We call Jack pretending to work for the vet’s office that is watching his dog and when we ask him why he is going out of town, Jack claims he is going with someone named Maya. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses!