Dust off your headphones and get ready for an amazing talk with Jonathan Cox of JonGetsGames. As a voice that I started listening to early in my time in “the hobby,” being able to talk about Jon’s experiences with board games and how that’s led to this culmination of different work and creation within the space was a real treat. And he designed Spring Cleaning, which I’ve been binging and cannot recommend enough. Listen to us talk about all of that and more!
Introduction (0:00)
Formative gaming experiences and other background information.
Learn While _____ (13:04)
This section spans quite a bit of time (and perhaps could be broken into more chapters?), but Jon talks about what led to the learn while playing format, different processes of learning, and other things he’s created through these various processes (some of this within the framework of a “twist” set of questions [some not]).
Developing Development Work (39:05)
Cleaning Up and/or Mutating One’s Own Designs (46:07)
Jon reflects on creating a learn while playing video for his own game, how creating videos for card games didn’t wind up being too different in general, and a game he’s bringing to the Indie Games Night Market at Pax Unplugged.
Wrap-up Questions (1:06:15)
A text on Jonathan’s mind and things to look out for from him in the future.
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