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Into Africa

Africa Reacts to the U.S. Elections

37 min • 12 november 2020

The long-awaited results of the United States presidential election will shape the future of American democracy and U.S.-Africa policy for years to come. Are there lessons from sub-Saharan Africa that the U.S. should consider as it reflects on its electoral process? Udo Jude Ilo (Open Society Initiative for West Africa), Maria Sarungi Tsehai (#ChangeTanzania), and Jason Stearns (Congo Research Group) join Judd Devermont to discuss the elections, the future of Nigeria's #EndSARS movement, DRC's tumultuous leadership struggle, and the conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region. 

Background Materials:

Race and Diplomacy: How does BLM resonate in Africa? – CSIS

Africa Reacts to the U.S. Presidential Election – CSIS

Nigeria: Learning from #EndSARS - A New U.S. Policy Toward Nigeria – Judd Devermont and Matthew T. Page

A New Direction for U.S. Foreign Policy in Africa – Jason Stearns and Zachariah Mampilly

A New U.S. Policy Framework for the African Century – Judd Devermont

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