My good friends Seth Breedlove and Brandon Dalo join me for this edition of iTF. Seth and Brandon are producing a series of documentaries on….small town monsters and the experiences of those involved had with those creatures. Their first, Minerva Monster is about a family who had very close encounters with a creature on their Minerva, Ohio property in 1978. Even the local sheriff got involved with the story and to this day, the family has stuck by what they saw. We also discuss their upcoming works, Beast of Whitehall and Boggy Creek Monster. Hear all about the stories, eyewitness encounters and also behind the scenes happenings from the films.
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somewhereintheskies.comWebsite artwork and logo for iNTO THE FRAY, by
Mister-Sam ShearonIntro music with permission from
Tanek Outro music provided with permission from
Electus Official