Derek Hayes of
Monsters Among Us, and
David Flora of
Blurry Photos joins me to talk about varying encounters and legends that surround the
Borrego State Park in California. They have now dubbed this area The Borrego Triangle, and hope to produce a documentary that features the stories from the area. These range from the aptly-named, Borrego aliens, UFOs, spook lights, Dogmen, apparitions, and even glowing figures. Stay tuned to all of our shows, and watch our social media feeds to not only watch the trailer mentioned, but find out how to get in on the rewards for their upcoming Kickstarter. It is set to launch on March 10th.
As Derek mentioned, they are looking for encounters of all types from that area. Call 888-608-NIGHT (6444) or contact them through their websites, or If you love iNTO THE FRAY and want more content....become a member over on
Patreon! Get 126 bonus episodes and counting, ad-free versions of the main show, physical rewards like stickers and signed books, interactive, live-on-video guest interviews and group chats with fellow patrons, private RSS feed, Patron-only Discord room and FB group, and more. Click
HERE to check out the various pledge levels.
If you have an encounter or encounters you'd like to share, contact me
HERE or via email,
[email protected] Visit the
iTF Website Follow iTF: Facebook: Join the
interactive group and visit the
official iTF page Twitter:
Official iTF and
Shannon’s personal account Shannon's
Instagram Website artwork and logo for iNTO THE FRAY, by
Mister-Sam Shearon Intro music with permission from
Tanek Outro music provided with permission from
Electus Official