Robert Veach has over 25 years experience as an electrical and mechanical engineer and has a passion for ghost hunting, animatronics, and video production. His Jefferson Graveyard show has been covered on NBC, CBS, ABC, and WGN TV news as well as various Chicago newspapers. Their team consists of electrical engineers, software engineers, audio engineers and forensic videographers. Some of the ghost-hunting equipment we cover on this episode include, Para-Talk, Para-TV and his revolutionary Para-Selfie. We also talk of he and his family's experiences while doing investigations, and also some unexplained things that have followed him home. Robert and his brother Art also recently visited Al Capone's former speakeasy and hideout, now being transformed into a gangster-themed restaurant.
Gary Galka builds gadgets for ghost hunters to honor late daughter Find Robert and his team on their website,
Vparanormal, on
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