Thomas Negovan's film, Aurora...seeks to tell a fantastic tale based around the crash of a UFO in Aurora, TX in 1897. Aurora is the true story of the first documented alien encounter in American history. Conspiracy theory, science fiction, time-travel monster movie with spectacular artists! A "creature feature" art-film homage to Universal Monsters and 1950s westerns, all the puzzle pieces are now on the table, we just desperately need help to pull everything together. With your support, this movie can be completely finished before the end of the year! Help fund the campaign to get Aurora completed,
HERE ThomasNegovan.comIf you love iNTO THE FRAY and want more content....become a member over on
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somewhereintheskies.comWebsite artwork and logo for iNTO THE FRAY, by
Mister-Sam ShearonIntro music with permission from
Tanek Outro music provided with permission from
Electus Official