Get out of town this summer and load up on top spiritual books for travel, lounging, camping, beach reading, and long plane rides (as long as you're not the pilot).
In no particular order, here are my current top recommendations for your iPad, Kindle, phone, Nook, or the most amazing technology of all, to hold in your hands:
The Galaxy Healer's Guide
The Art of Trapeze: One Woman's Journey of Soaring, Surrendering, and Awakening
The Flaming Serpent
EDINA: Energy Medicine From The Stars! Shamanism for the 21st Century
The Book of Transformation: Open Yourself to Psychic Evolution, the Rebirth of the World, and the Empowering Shift Pioneered by the Indigos
Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool
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