Did you read the title of this show and say "YES, that's me!" Then welcome to an empowering chat about why you chose to be a unique energy in your family - because believe it or not, you absolutely wanted to be the Spiritual Black Sheep for many awesome reasons.
Filled with cosmic understanding, we'll dive into the gifts your family offers your soul; why you choose this role; and how everything is set up Divinely by the choice of your soul.
And we're moving through eclipse season - how are you feeling? Molly will talk about the April 25th eclipse and the next one on May 9th. Have your astro chart handy to see how the eclipses are showing up in your life. (Get a free natal birth chart at www.astro.com.)
Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst who actively shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Chic.com
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