Does financial energy feel tight for you right now? Are you worrying about money even though on some level "you know" everything is going to be okay, fine, great?
I recently left a corporate job where I worked part-time and made six-figures, and "in this economy" it may sound absolutely crazy to give up that kind of gig, right? NO! And I'm going to tell you why!
I've talked with many clients lately who have received the same message from guidance about the energy of money and abundance right now, and I feel that many of you will find these insights valuable - so I'm doing this special show. Tune in for peace and understanding about money!
Molly McCord is a Consciousness Catalyst whose Spiritual Awakening began in 2002. She shares her gifts as a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher in this weekly show. Discover more on her popular spirituality website, Conscious Cool Awesome! #1 on Amazon in Spiritual Self-help and Memoirs: Adventurers & Explorers ~ thank you, thank you!