The transiting South Node is where we are collectively releasing old, outdated energies that are complete. In Capricorn, the South Node will also make conjunctions to Pluto and Saturn, signalling a signficant end to what has been built and the power structures that do not serve the greater good. The journey of the South Node is one of completions, but this cycle is extra potent with the two planets in Capricorn revealing big changes in the physical world.
We'll talk about how these energies are moving through your natal chart from November 2018 until June 2020.
New eclispes also come into play when the Nodal Axis shifts, and you can check out the 2019 and 2020 eclipses right here:
Join bestselling author, consciousness teacher, intuitive and astrologer Molly McCord for this lively weekly show! Molly shares inspiring cosmic messages, astrological updates, spirituality insights, and timeless wisdom to add empowering awesomeness to your life - and have some fun along the way! Molly's spiritual awakening began in 2002, and she delightfully offers her years of growth and experiences in each episode to inspire, uplift and upLIGHT your journey.