We are in between eclipses and there is a slowing down in the energies as we move through this week in June. Gemini season is underway, but there is a strong Pisces undercurrent as the Sun squares Neptune in Pisces and Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces over this week. The Sun in Gemini also makes an inconjunct to both Pluto RX and Jupiter RX in Capricorn, adding yet another layer of waiting out a process and not trying to force anything. It is a beneficial time to look at what healing work is coming up for you to pay attention to so you can make the most of this clearing out cycle. Mercury retrograde begins June 17 at 15 degrees Cancer, supporting how we re-assess what is in our hearts and how we can be more truthful with ourselves and what we truly want next. More to share in this week's show.
The song I mentioned by Jon Fields ~ "Riot" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEERMx5Slds
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