November is a game-changing month as the energies begin to move forward in powerful ways, creating new opportunities and potentials that may be triggering fears. This is a week of noticing what is requiring a lot of mental energy as Mercury in Libra is now direct but squaring Saturn in Capricorn until November 6. Get out of your head and go into other areas to relieve the pressure and intensity. It is important to balance ourselves regularly as Venus in Libra opposes Mars RX in Aries, and we prepare for Mars stationing direct on November 13. Plus, we'll look at how you can always trust your process as you move through big energies and changes - but do not trust your fears. There is something on the other side of the fears and doubts, and this can be where you are feeling a big transformation. More to share in this week's podcast.
~~ November 2020 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ Eclipse season begins! Discover the main astrology and energy themes in 5 webinars, including Mars retrograde in Aries energies, Scorpio New Moon, and Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse energies. Use code SCORPIO at checkout to get it for $11 USD.