Invest Like the Best with Patrick O’Shaughnessy
My guest today is Manny Stotz, the founder of Kingsway Capital. Manny is one of the leading investors in Frontier Markets, investing in equities in countries like Egypt, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. We discuss the opportunity in these markets from all angles: demographics, valuations, sectors and beyond. It is important to note that we recorded this conversation before COVID, and these markets have fallen 30% without a similar rebound in prices that we’ve seen in the U.S. As you listen you’ll hear why this may be relevant for the companies Manny focuses on and may accentuate the opportunity in Frontier Markets even relative to the numbers quoted in this conversation. Listeners will know my interest in Frontier Markets runs deep, so I was excited to have one of the categories leading investors join me.
Please enjoy my conversation with Manny Stotz.
This episode is brought to by Koyfin.
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Show Notes
2:07 – (First question) – How Kingsway was conceived, their focus on frontier emerging markets, and his career path
11:57 – What are the best company builders good at when it comes to fostering a brand
18:30 – How country-specific factors impact the tailwind
25:43 – How markets are faring in these special circumstances
32:09 – Building a book in many of the markets they trade-in
37:10 – Understanding your edge in frontier markets, showing up
39:59 – Importance of solid distribution for the companies he invests in
42:12 – Concentration in various markets
44:10 – Moving beyond consumer brands in these markets
47:14 – Some of the most interesting countries they are looking into and the country business model
47:42 – Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
47:44 – Civilization: The West and the Rest
47:46 – Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
53:21 – New topics he’s excited to learn about that will impact his business over the next 10-20 years
55:37 – Best way for people to get involved and invest in these markets
58:17 – Kindest thing anyone has done for him
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