The Andrew Dawson Giant On Mountain Sighting is a
viral video posted by
TikToker @andykapt in April 2022 in which he records what appears to be a giant person standing on Whistlers Peak mountain in Alberta,
Canada. The video was proceeded by several other videos where Dawson attempts to see the giant again and claims he's being followed by the CIA. In May, he claimed the video was fake but took that claim back later in the month, making one final video of a building now standing where the giant was before disappearing from the platform. Later that year, unsubstantiated rumors that Dawson died after the final video started to spread online, leading to a
conspiracy theory revolving around the event. We discuss this episode of Andrew Dawson Giant/Bigfoot TikTok Conspiracy Podcasts with Bigfoot Expert and member of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, Ron Boles.