This episode is a return of the Great Famine Series. Focusing on the town of Clogheen in South Tipperary, this two part episode follows the lives of three individuals Robert Davis, David Keane and Richard Burke. Their stories delve into the fascinating yet often violent struggle for survival in Ireland during the Great Famine. While the show focuses on Clogheen the accounts are reflective of wider experiences.
The podcasts also examines controversial topics such as the export of food and the violent resistence to those exports. I also reveal stories of those who profited during the famine and try to answer why many Irish people who seemed like decent people continued to export food in the midst of the famine.
The show includes dozens of primary sources including two previously unpublished letters written from Clogheen and Boston giving a first hand perspective of what life for Irish people was like in the 1840s. I would like to thank Ted Reilly and Martin Nutty for their help in New York without whom this episode would not have been possible.
Aidan Crowe read David Keane's Letters
Maurcie Casery narrated Robert Davis's report
Mark O'Dwyer voiced the words of James Fraser and Ferguson the pawnbroker
Further Reading: O'Riordain, E. The Famine in the Valley Available for free here
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📢June 2023 Update - New Walking Tour 📢
I am thrilled to announce my brand new walking tour in Ireland's oldest city, Waterford. Join me and explore 1,000 years of history from the Vikings to Cromwell & Strongbow to the Irish Revolution. Enhanced by wireless headsets 🎧 you will hear the sounds of the city through the ages and the words of the people who made history in Waterford. Tours take place each Saturday and places are strictly limited to 15 people. Book your place today at
*New Book: A Lethal Legacy - A History of Ireland in 18 Murders *
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