Welcome to Episode 107a Main Topic
- Defcon with Jscar & Skyria
- Hybrid this year 9K on site ( Pre-Covid it’s around 30k)
- What is DEFCON?
- What is there to do at DEFCON?
- Talks/Presentations
- Villages
- Contests
- Networking
- Badges
- Stickers/challenge coins
- What is your Favorite part of DEFCON?
- Can you watch the presentation now?
- What was DEFCON like this year?
- In person --
- How was safety?
- What felt different? Same?
- Smelt Different - 321 rule
- Lots of online content = feelings of missing out?
- Online
- How was safety (Give all of our data away) ?
- What felt different? Same?
- Smelt Different - 321 rule
- Feelings of missing out hit hard
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Intro and Outro music credit: Tri Tachyon, Digital MK 2http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tri-Tachyon/