Welcome to Episode 109 Main Topic
- Guests:
- Basics
- Do I need to be a l33t haxt0r to participate in one?
- What can I learn from participating in a CTF?
- Where can I find year-round CTF’s?
- Hack The Box
- Holiday Hack Challenge
- Try Hack Me
- Vuln hub
- Security Conferences
- Bomb Lab
- http://csapp.cs.cmu.edu/3e/labs.html
- Specifically the “bomb lab” bullet. The primary link needs a user/pass, but there’s a download there for the package itself that isn’t locked.
- There’s some other neat stuff there too..
- Learning resources
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Intro and Outro music credit: Tri Tachyon, Digital MK 2http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tri-Tachyon/