Welcome to Episode 119 Main Topic
- Staying Healthy while working at a desk
- Obvious things
- “Office work”
- Generally means you are indoors
- You are not performing physically intense tasks
- You naturally burn less calories in a day
- You are sheltered from the sun
- It’s a lot easier to snack
- And this is even worse if you are a WFH worker
- And a lot easier to make poor dietary decisions
- This can be improved by WFH, if you can be disciplined
- Not so obvious things
- Sitting all of the time is just plain bad for you
- But standing all the time is also not so great
- Mental impact
- So what do we do about all of this?
- “Water cooler” meetings.
- Don't forget to move
- Limit your snacking
- Drink more water. You’re not drinking enough. Really, you’re not.
- Make sure to take mental breaks
- Take a dang lunch break
- in fact. eat regularly in general breakfast lunch dinner
- Either get to the gym or go for walks/runs/cycling/whatever you're into
- convertible desk
- Articles
- Products:
- Nate’s setup (amazon links are affiliate links that benefit the podcast)