Welcome to Episode 73
Main Topic
Self hosting, vs cloud hosting, vs colo hosting
- Control
- Home: full control
- Colo: less control but still high
- IaaS: You’ve lost some control, but you still retain some. Decent trade off.
- SaaS: little to no control
- Convenience
- Home: Convenient for access, but just about nothing else.
- Colo: Access is inconvenient, but power/cooling is much more convenient
- IaaS: This can be very convenient if you’re not into dealing with hardware at all.
- SaaS: the loss of control can be inconvenient, but your not responsible for most of the stack, so its super convenient that way.
- Excitement or passion
- Home: If you’re passionate about privacy, or doing it yourself, this can be a huge thrill
- Colo: This is actually very similar to hosting at home, you just arent worried about the power/cooling.
- IaaS: This isnt terribly different from Colo, unless you love tweaking hardware. IaaS can be very fun for someone who likes to build.
- SaaS: I guess this depends on you, but SaaS is basically a canned solution, not much to get excited about.
- UpTime/OnCall
- Home: You, you, and you.. No backup…
- Colo: You, you, and mostly you.. Backup maybe?
- IaaS: You’re responsible for your apps
- SaaS: You’re screwed. Good luck.
- Patreon Update
- Patrons:
- 22532
- Andi
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- DeMentor
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- Marc
- Monthly Take: $48.12
- Shmoocon, NEXT WEEKEND!
- WOPRSummit - March 27-29
- DC610 2/5/2020
- Through DM, via Twitter: Thanks @de_mentor for being a positive spokesman for this Open Source Community on ironsysadmin.com. You expressed a love for all things open source while at the same time encouraging PowerShell on Linux. I really appreciate your attitude and your positive voice
- From Youtube user Mark K.: Great episode! Interesting stuff about Powershell and hass.io is awesome!
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Intro and Outro music credit: Tri Tachyon, Digital MK 2http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tri-Tachyon/