Welcome to Episode 86
Main Topic
- Defcon with jscar, BiaSciLab and HEAV
- Have you ever gone to DEFCON?
- What have you heard about DEFCON?
- Presentations
- DEFCON 28 Most Talked about Presentations
- BiaSciLab “Don’t go Postal over Mail In Ballots”
- DEF CON Safe Mode - James Pavur - Whispers Among the Stars
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ku0Q_Wey4K0
- For $300 in hardware you too can listen in to satellites traffic
- A Few Talks from Co-Workers
- 99% the Presentations are online already
- Contests
- Secure Open Vote election reporting system
- Was LIVE all of DEF CON
- No one was able to change election results
- Wrap up
- Should I be afraid of going to DEF CON?
- Yes - People will eat you if you don’t wear black
- What do I need to do to attend DEF CON?
- [nate] RHCE8 exam on Monday… Using the following practice exam.
- [unclemarc]
- The boy goes to Stevens this Saturday. Also, he handed in his Eagle Application today
- Youngest daughter & chemistry & AWS
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GROMACS
- In a “solo/co-op” boardgame mood lately
- I’m now a dirty dirty hippy using Brave
- [jscar]
- [HEAV]
- SecureOpenVote.com
- @secureopenvote
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Intro and Outro music credit: Tri Tachyon, Digital MK 2http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tri-Tachyon/