CC Ādi 15.16-22
One day Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu ate betel nuts offered to the Deity, but they acted as an intoxicant, and He fell down on the ground unconscious. After His father and mother sprinkled water on His mouth with great haste, the Lord revived and said something wonderful they had never heard before. The Lord said, “Viśvarūpa took Me away from here, and He requested Me to accept the sannyāsa order. “I replied to Viśvarūpa, ‘I have My helpless father and mother, and also I am but a child. What do I know about the sannyāsa order of life? “ ‘Later I shall become a householder and thus serve My parents, for this action will very much satisfy Lord Nārāyaṇa and His wife, the goddess of fortune.’ “Then Viśvarūpa returned Me home and requested, ‘Offer thousands and thousands of obeisances unto My mother, Śacīdevī.’ ” In this way, Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu performed various pastimes, but why He did so I cannot understand.
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