Special Needs and Islam is a discussion that a lot of people aren't educated or comfortable discussing. Unfortunately, due to the treatment special needs individuals receive in their local masjids and by their community, it is more convenient for parents or special needs individuals to feel the need to hide themselves. Due to this lack of knowledge and ignorance regarding how the Muslim community treats individuals with disabilities or special needs, we are effectively removing and harming a part of our ummah. Our masjids struggle to be inclusive, and unfortunately, some masjids aren't concerned about facilitating a part of the ummah. This important topic led me to invite Brother Belal Elkadri.
Belal Elkadri is a motivational speaker in the Metro Detroit area where he delivers sermons and lectures to empower the community and bring awareness to current issues. Brother Belal has been involved in helping employ the mental health community at ACCESS. He served as a host for Noor Kids News. In addition, as a community outreach coordinator with The Family Youth Institute, he helped inform Imams across the nation on a variety of research, including issues involving our youth, addiction, elderly care, parenting, and mental health. With Celebrate Mercy, Belal has hosted numerous webinars to honor the Prophet Muhammad. With MUHSEN, serving as the certification manager, Belal encouraged mosques across the nation to accommodate the special needs community. As a regional manager with Helping Hand, he has inspired donors to support humanitarian efforts around the world. Leading multiple classes on the Sabr App, a guided meditation app for Muslims, Belal has developed courses to help the spiritual and mental health of Muslims.
Learn more about Belal and follow him on social media at @yourbrotherbelal
Website: https://belalelkadri.com/