the balance between your worldly success & failures can be overwhelming at times. sometimes seasons of your life can go by where you aren't necessarily receiving "any success". In some cases, you start to wonder if the test sent your way was a blessing or just a punishment. letting your worldly failures pour into your relationship with God can create a damaging view & make us believe that God is required to fulfill our needs & wants whenever we want, however this is far from the truth. this episode talks about exactly that :)
This week's episode is sponsored by International Open University *IOU*
International Open University offers many accredited degree programs in Islamic Studies and Arabic. While also providing bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration, Education or Psychology with a mix of subjects in Aqeedah, Shariah and Fiqh taught by highly qualified lecturers including Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips; the Founder of IOU. IOU has study plans that allow studying to be done at anytime. Registration for IOU's Spring 2023 semester is open :)